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Old 08-11-21, 08:20 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
Just to be certain, do you have LAA or the 4Gig Patch properly applied to the SH4.exe file? Also, don't shell-out to Windows while playing. Someone in the SH3 threads mentions being able to Pause the game, and use the <Windows><D> key in Windows 10 to get to the desktop and then do things, but I tried it on the Win7 machine downstairs and it still trashes the game. I have the screen on this computer "Windowed", and it does much better. Lastly, don't add and subtract mods, unless you're certain they are safe to do so. As to what is considered "safe"... If you use high TC, that can also cause issues, as can not waiting after you click the "Save" button before exiting. Saving when there is not much going on is safest, and I have Saved before while in the middle of a convoy and not had trouble later, but other times... Lastly, if you are still doing FotRSU v1.46 and earlier, if you encounter an IJN AI Sub, that can cause corrupted data that can result in the player's submarine gauges hanging at 12 O'Clock high, which is bad data, and could contribute to bad Save data. You could try the "[url-]FotRSU Preview[/url]" file, but put the "Preview EnlistedFix" on top of it. But, unfortunately, bad Saves have been a constant with the game. Better than SH3 was in that regard, but definitely not perfect.
I have the LBA installed, latest Fotrsu, started all over with the install, still it's random. Seems to occur more often after I get a new sub in port. Yeah, I know vanilla did this to me also. Just voicing my frustrations, Got two large IJN Navy ships in these saves, highly irritating. I tend to save and resume for a bit before leaving the game, and yes I never shell out anymore, not even to check and trade stock and options Maybe I'll give it a full minute or 2 when saving before doing a resume or exit game. How long in the game after a high TC run do you suggest waiting? Thanks again for the help!
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