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Old 08-07-21, 04:31 PM   #7876
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Originally Posted by 3catcircus View Post
It's an educated opinion based upon actual review of raw data rather than taking "expert opinion" at face value without questioning any discrepancies between data and narrative.

Fact: 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1 are endemic
Fact: All four comprise the 2nd most common cause of colds (rhinovirus being the first).
Fact: in 2016 a woman in Greece presented with high fever, cough, and headache and rattling in her lungs at an ER. As her condition got worse and tests for flu, SARS/MERs, etc. were negative, they found she had 239E.
Hypothesis: The 1889 Russian Flu was actually caused by OC43. Fact: a woman in Dublin who was diagnosed with Russian Flu reported to her doctor that she could not taste her tea.
Fact: Lockdowns and social distancing to "flatten the curve" do nothing other than extend the duration of a pandemic as the virus mutates and goes through in multiple waves over the course of a few years.
It did more than flatten the curve, it bought time to get vaccinations made and distributed so that herd immunity could be attained with the minimum of deaths and the vaccinations are proven to be effective against the mutations as well so far.

Besides no one really knows what it would have been like to just let the virus run amok but we do know what it was like in Italy before lockdowns.
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