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Old 07-24-21, 02:06 PM   #1712
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Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
This is nothing but pure speculations.

Could it be so, that the vaccine has been underway long before we were witness to the first Covid-19 case ?

I can't put the finger on where the problem is..but there are things which seems not right here.

Nothing I have read or heard could make me thinking that. Corona is a family of vorusses and since SARS 2003 they did extensive reasearch on them, additional to the one before, and the vaccines for Covid-19 benefit a bit from pre-existing knowledge and technologies, while they also broke new ground in some cases. I would nto ciunt that as a hint for an conspiracy to create a pandemic just so to form a market for a to-be-developed coin.g enerating vaccine for the evil wicked pharama industry. The pharma industry is guilty of a lot of bad things, policies, lies and questionable "products" that in many cases overstep the red line to physical assault, I have no doubt on that. But this narration you asked for I do not believe one second.

Adding to Buddhahaid I think there will be another "wave", if it makes sense anymore to speak of these, amongst vaccinated as well. The point is that while vaccinated will get infected in scores (but not as high scores than unvaccinated), they will usually not end up in hospitalization anymore. Also they will contribute much less to spreading the desease around, than unvaccinated do. Regarding Long Covid, however, its to early to make conclusions already. It can form up even without earlies heavy symptoms and hospitalization, can even affect people who felt no symptoms at all, and months later - Bang!

Thats why I still think that helping your body to get into a shape where it is better set up to fight, still is important. Loose overweight. Reduce sugars and carbohydrates. Modulate your immune system. Get your lung functions into shape, excercise moderately, stop smoking, fight your diabetes off, get rid of all those toxic plant oils and corn syrups that "enrich" your body's inner milieu with silent inflammatory "explosives" by factors of 20, 30 even 40. Things like that. Eat healthy. And first learn what healthy eating really means - its not necessarily what the vegans and fitness gurus and health"experts" and practitioners are telling you. I touched upon these points many times last and this year, didn't I.

Most people killed, were old and/or fat and or diabetic., with resulting cardiovascular problems and lung functions deficits already in place. The very overwhelming majority. Stupid fat balls show up in social media and praise how great they feel "to be themselves", and that you should not be bodyshamed, and that you should see extreme fatness as part of yourself and that things are great and good and wonderful. But they gloss over it, they just find excuses for the state they are in, they want not to adress their issues, they do not want to change. Truth is: they simply are fat, they are ugly to watch at, they are seriously degraded in health, they have a lower life expectancy due to health problems coming from being fat, and it compromises their body's abilities to fight against external germs. Its rationalizing from A to Z, that simple the bitter truth is.

Learn. Eat better. Avoid all the sh!t the industry sells you as "food". Lose overweight. Fight your diabetes. Often - though not always - you will find that you can then reduce existing prescribed medical drugs. Often (not always!) you are given drugs that make things worse and worse over time, and that you started with just because you have eaten yourself ill: by eating the wrong stuff, and not enough of what your body needs. The reasons for the latter can be many, and are not always the responsbility of the individual, if you never have learned somehtign, then you do not know it better. There are so many lies out there that are treated as paradigms. I touched quite some of them over the past months.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 07-24-21 at 02:35 PM.
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