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Old 07-22-21, 09:46 PM   #1
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Icon14 Viva The Soviet Union!

Triton Class
Mission log of British submarine HMS Bangor.
Day 1, 05:50: Patrol started in Devonport, United Kingdom.

Day 1, 05:50 Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.

November Class
Day 1, 05:50: Patrol started in Leningrad, USSR.
Day 1, 07:17: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Malmö port facilities.
Day 1, 07:22: Patrol ended.:52: Patrol ended at Devonport, United Kingdom.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 1, 07:30: Malfunction in No. 2 Turbine.
Day 1, 07:31: Ship sunk: FGS Danube (West German Charles F. Adams Class Destroyer).
Day 1, 07:31: Malfunction in No. 1 Turbine.
Day 1, 07:32: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 1, 12:14: Ship sunk: MV Gyeongju (South Korean Large Cargo Ship).
Day 1, 12:14: Simbirsk successfully engaged enemy shipping near 79 N 29 E.
Day 1, 12:15: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 1, 18:37: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 1, 21:27: Malfunction in No. 2 Turbine.
Day 1, 22:32: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 1, 23:31: Ship sunk: MV Wiesel (West German Oil Tanker).
Day 1, 23:45: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 2, 02:55: Fire suppression system malfunction in engine room.
Day 2, 03:01: Ship sunk: MV Shimokita (Japanese Small Cargo Ship).
Day 2, 03:01: Simbirsk successfully engaged enemy shipping near 10 N 71 E.
Day 2, 03:02: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 2, 05:20: Ship sunk: SS Ki Hajar (Filipino Large Cargo Ship).
Day 2, 05:21: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 2, 09:39: Fire suppression system malfunction in engine room.
Day 2, 12:05: Ship sunk: MV Dokdo (South Korean Small Cargo Ship).
Day 2, 12:05: Simbirsk successfully engaged enemy shipping near 28 N 125 E.
Day 2, 13:58: Simbirsk docked at Vladivostok, USSR for refit.
Day 8, 13:58: Simbirsk departed Vladivostok.
Day 8, 13:59: Patrol ended at Vladivostok, USSR.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 1, 05:50: Patrol started in Vladivostok, USSR.
Day 9, 00:43: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 9, 03:14: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Cartegena port facilities.
Day 9, 03:57: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 9, 05:56: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Jacksonville port facilities.
Day 9, 06:00: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 9, 13:09: Hydraulics failure in Periscope.
Day 9, 14:27: Major fault detected in No. 2 Reactor coolant pump.
Day 9, 17:10: Malfunction in No. 2 Turbine.
Day 9, 22:43: Ship sunk: INS Rana (Indian Tarantul Class Corvette).
Day 9, 23:09: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 10, 00 Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of New York port facilities.
Day 10, 00:12: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 10, 03:05: Ship sunk: HNLMS Gouwe (Dutch Kortenaer Class Frigate).
Day 10, 03:05: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel HNLMS Gouwe.
Day 10, 03 Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 10, 07:12: Wiring/Cables failure in Electric Motor.
Day 10, 07:35: Fire suppression system malfunction in fore torpedo room.
Day 10, 09:45: Major fault detected in No. 1 Reactor coolant pump.
Day 10, 12:37: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 10, 13:11: Fire suppression system malfunction in command centre.
Day 10, 14:29: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Glasgow port facilities.
Day 10, 14:47: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 10, 16:15: Major fault detected in No. 1 Reactor coolant pump.
Day 10, 17:48: Fire suppression system malfunction in generator room.
Day 10, 20:09: Malfunction in No. 2 Turbine.
Day 10, 21:21: Ship sunk: FS Lyre (French Georges Leygues Class Frigate).
Day 10, 21:22: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 10, 23:59: Ship sunk: SS Oyashio (Japanese Small Cargo Ship).
Day 10, 23:59: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 11, 02:22: Simbirsk docked at Caracas, Venezuela for refit.
Day 18, 02:22: Simbirsk departed Caracas.
Day 18, 02:23: Patrol ended at Caracas, Venezuela.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 1, 05:50: Patrol started in Caracas, Venezuela.
Day 18, 04:07: Malfunction in No. 1 Turbine.
Day 18, 05:22: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 18, 05:23: Ship sunk: Yichang (Chinese Luda Class Destroyer).
Day 18, 05:23: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel Yichang.
Day 18, 05:28: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 18, 07:49: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 18, 08:08: Ship sunk: SS Aigle (French Small Cargo Ship).
Day 18, 08:08: Malfunction in No. 2 Turbine.
Day 18, 09:46: Malfunction occured in Nuclear Fuel of No. 2 Reactor.
Day 18, 09:54: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 18, 10:33: Malfunction in No. 2 Turbine.
Day 18, 12:57: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Jacksonville port facilities.
Day 18, 13:00: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 18, 19:30: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Los Angeles port facilities.
Day 18, 20:00: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 19, 00:46: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Lima port facilities.
Day 19, 00:54: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 19, 02:10: Malfunction in No. 1 Turbine.
Day 19, 07:55: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Honolulu port facilities.
Day 19, 08:11: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 19, 13:12: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 19, 14:17: Ship sunk: FS Céphée (French Georges Leygues Class Frigate).
Day 19, 15:12: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 19, 17:36: Fire suppression system malfunction in fore torpedo room.
Day 19, 19:31: Malfunction occured in Reactor Core of No. 2 Reactor.
Day 19, 20:48: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Mobile port facilities.
Day 19, 20:56: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 20, 01 Malfunction in No. 2 Turbine.
Day 20, 02:02: Ship sunk: SS Regina (Canadian Large Cargo Ship).
Day 20, 02:02: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel SS Regina.
Day 20, 02 Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 20, 02 Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 20, 07:11: Malfunction in No. 1 Turbine.
Day 20, 07:12: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Tampa port facilities.
Day 20, 07:17: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 20, 08:56: Impeller failure in Bilge Pump.
Day 20, 10:52: Ship sunk: SS Sokól (Polish Small Cargo Ship).
Day 20, 10:55: Ship sunk: MV Kraków (Polish Small Cargo Ship).
Day 20, 10:55: Simbirsk successfully engaged enemy shipping near 45 N 53 W.
Day 20, 11:27: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 20, 14:24: Ship sunk: SS Dolfijn (Dutch Small Cargo Ship).
Day 20, 14:47: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 20, 18:48: Simbirsk docked at Murmansk, USSR for refit.
Day 25, 18:48: Simbirsk departed Murmansk.
Day 25, 18:49: Patrol ended at Murmansk, USSR.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 1, 05:50: Patrol started in Murmansk, USSR.
Day 25, 19:24: Major fault detected in No. 2 Reactor coolant pump.
Day 25, 22:52: Ensign Yakov Yumashev died of radiation poisoning.
Day 26, 01:10: Ship sunk: ITS Bersagliere (Italian Lupo Class Frigate).
Day 26, 01:10: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel ITS Bersagliere.
Day 26, 01:10: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 26, 01:27: Governor failure in Turbine Generator.
Day 26, 06:49: Ship sunk: MV Bryce (British Large Cargo Ship).
Day 26, 06:59: Malfunction occured in Primary Coolant Pipes of No. 2 Reactor.
Day 26, 06:59: Internal Circuits failure in Power Systems Control Panel.
Day 26, 07:19: Captain Pavel Ipatyev died of radiation poisoning.
Day 26, 10:15: Simbirsk docked at Murmansk, USSR for refit.
Day 31, 10:15: Simbirsk departed Murmansk.
Day 31, 10:15: Patrol ended at Murmansk, USSR.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 1, 05:50: Patrol started in Murmansk, USSR.
Day 31, 11:20: Malfunction in No. 2 Turbine.
Day 31, 13:50: Major fault detected in No. 2 Reactor coolant pump.
Day 31, 14:05: Ship sunk: SS Bukowo (Polish Oil Tanker).
Day 31, 14:05: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel SS Bukowo.
Day 31, 14:14: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 31, 14:55: Wiring/Cables failure in Electric Motor.
Day 31, 14:59: Malfunction occured in Control Rods of No. 2 Reactor.
Day 31, 16:34: Ship sunk: KRI Karel (Indonesian Sverdlov Class Cruiser).
Day 31, 16:34: Ship sunk: KRI Karel (Indonesian Sverdlov Class Cruiser).
Day 31, 16:35: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 31, 16:36: Malfunction occured in Pressure Vessel of No. 1 Reactor.
Day 31, 16:37: Ship sunk: MV Amsterdam (Dutch Oil Tanker).
Day 31, 17:58: Ship sunk: SS Wiratno (Filipino Large Cargo Ship).
Day 31, 17:58: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel SS Wiratno.
Day 31, 17:59: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 32, 07:47: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Lima port facilities.
Day 32, 07:49: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 32, 08:39: Ship sunk: SS Senoputra (Filipino Large Cargo Ship).
Day 32, 08:55: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 32, 10:13: Simbirsk docked at Valparaíso, Chile for refit.
Day 38, 10:13: Simbirsk departed Valparaíso.
Day 38, 10:13: Patrol ended at Valparaíso, Chile.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 1, 05:50: Patrol started in Valparaíso, Chile.
Day 38, 17:28: Ship sunk: SS Wiratno (Filipino Oil Tanker).
Day 38, 17:28: Simbirsk successfully engaged enemy shipping near 1 N 82 W.
Day 38, 17:29: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 38, 19:40: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 39, 01:09: Ship sunk: Hércules (Libyan Koni Class Frigate).
Day 39, 01:11: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 39, 06:33: Ship sunk: MV Ehrensköld (Norwegian Oil Tanker).
Day 39, 06:33: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel MV Ehrensköld.
Day 39, 06:33: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 39, 14:08: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 39, 14:27: Simbirsk performed reconnaissance of Halifax port facilities.
Day 39, 14:32: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 39, 21:02: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 39, 21:54: Ship sunk: (Cuban Koni Class Frigate).
Day 39, 21:54: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel .
Day 39, 21:55: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 40, 00:38: Simbirsk docked at Lima, Peru for refit.
Day 45, 00:38: Simbirsk departed Lima.
Day 45, 00:38: Patrol ended at Lima, Peru.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 1, 05:50: Patrol started in Lima, Peru.
Day 45, 02:02: Ship sunk: MV Haifa (Israeli Small Cargo Ship).
Day 45, 02:02: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel MV Haifa.
Day 45, 02:02: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 45, 03:51: Fire in the Fore Torpedo Room.
Day 45, 04:01: Malfunction in No. 1 Turbine.
Day 45, 08:29: Ship sunk: ROCS Tianzhu (Taiwanese Allen M. Summner Class Destroyer).
Day 45, 10:51: Patrol ended.
Mission log of Soviet submarine Simbirsk.
Day 45, 16:28: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 45, 17:22: Turbine generator malfunction.
Day 45, 17:23: Generator failure in Diesel Generator No. 2.
Day 45, 17:23: Fire suppression system malfunction in crews' quarters.
Day 45, 18:11: Ship sunk: USS Omaha (US Sturgeon Class Attack Submarine).
Day 45, 18:11: Ship sunk: USS Baltimore (US Charles F. Adams Class Destroyer).
Day 45, 18:11: Simbirsk destroyed the important enemy vessel USS Baltimore.
Day 45, 18:11: Ship sunk: USS Albany (US Sturgeon Class Attack Submarine).
Day 45, 21:33: Simbirsk docked at Murmansk, USSR for refit.
Day 49, 21:33: Simbirsk departed Murmansk.
Day 49, 21:36: Patrol ended.

I'm running two Versions Of Sub Commander! Regular with add-on subs, And Basic, Without!

Christopher Tarana
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