Thread: Climate Change
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Old 07-20-21, 09:52 AM   #975
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I hear you, Neal. Yes, we jumped off the plane logn time ago already, without parachutes. I too do not see salvation from this mishap. Only, hopefully, enough survivors at the end of whats coming that a new start can be tried afterwards. Certain that is not.

Practical things: focus precious ressources, both time and money and intellect, on things enabling adaptation to the consequences instead of wanting to turn back the clock and reversing climate warming. That has a physical self-dynamic that I see that attempt at hopeless. For example instead of building cities as usual and thinking of how to cool climate and make the clocks tick backwards, we must think in terms of how to build houses on skiff-like constructions like they do in parts of the Netherlands and I think Scandinavia. Such houses are build like little ships on the dry land, and if the water comes, they float. Their water pipes and heating and electricity, all that is flexible, can move with the house up and down.

This is not the big antidot to climate desaster, I give this exmaple more as an illustration for how to focus differently. Not reverisng climate chnage,mt hat is impossible, but adapting to the change it inevitably brings.

Another example is to no longer build settlements and infrastructures in harms ways, in regions known or predicted to be potential deaster zones, like the taifun alled in the centre of the Phillipines where the number of lost lives have exploded becasue in modenr times man started to buiol in that zone where as in the past peopelk were clever enough not to do so.

And let nature have its ways on regulating 8 billion and more derstructive virusses. I said it so many times. We are too many. Everything we build and do, is too big. All consequences we cause, are too excessive. Because we are too many. And want too much. Not eating meat anymore, changes nothing, not the smallest thing in that. Farming rice causes twice as much methane than all cattle breath and fart out gobally. Should we forbid people to eat rice now? Good luck with that, the resulting famines will be intense.

Honestly said, I think human civilization is a virus infection for the planet that cannot be cured, but needs to run until its bitter end. From the dead corpus than maybe new life forms up. I am desillusionized.

There are other big issues for which I see no solution. The loss of sand. The loss of fertile, agriclturally usable spoil, you cannot comepnsate that with fertilzer and insectizides, both kill the microbiomes and so the ability of the ground to recycle its mineral levels. The desertification adding to this. And so forth.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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