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Old 07-16-21, 05:04 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
As time allows, we have the patience to wait on a new GFO. I'll see what we can do about getting you these other files...
thanks, i messed up on the manuvering mod and was too quick to include it in GFO but at that point i was really stressed and had so much going on

i only play single player missions and use auto plotting so when guys tried manual plotting and such, i found out it screwed with the way ship sounds worked and ships right on top of you sounded far off and far off ships had weak sound you couldnt detect.

i think step one for me with GFO is to take a step back and unwind the manuvering mod so its not a negative to guys who do manual plotting and such

i think if i concentrate on just the ships mass numbers, i might be able to get there to reduce the motorcycle like movements, but i definately need to start over from scratch with the ships movements to see what might work best, i do know hp needs to be left alone so ship detection sounds arent screwed up

there is just so much stuff broken in this game that doesnt work so its not easy and takes time. many ships dont even use the right files
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