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Old 07-14-21, 04:52 PM   #9
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Indeed the German Wikipedia entry is more precise than the quoted English one. Reimann travelled the Sovjet Union, and according to German Wikipedia came to the conclusion that "Stalin's state socialism with added industrialization was not functional and practicable". He also was awarded Germany's highest civilian order, the Bundesverdienstkreuz (dont know for what, they did not write that).

I did mention his left background more as an illustration that it was ironcially a Leftie describing Hitler's ideology as socialist, not just some confused mind, or a libertarian like me. Usually Lefties describe Hitler/Nationalsocialism as an antagonist to socialism, not as an equivalent.

People get blinded too easily on the Nazis, becasue of the strong racism card they added. Not that racism in socialism is new, or antisemitism, but the perfectionizing of the genocide against the Jews by industrialising the process of massacring them is what catches all the attention and gives Nationalsocialism the appearance of being something different than just socialism combined with nationalism - and a murderously intense racism and genocide whose victims served as scapegoats. But Stalin did pretty much the same kind of things. The difference is - he won the war, Hitler lost it. And so the political ideology books got written the way they were written.
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