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Old 07-04-21, 03:38 PM   #1358
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We will always disagree on whether more political commanding leads to more solution (you) or more political commanding is part of the problem and will prevent solutions (me).

The link between the topic and the video is that the author there is talking about his book "Collapse", and all what I said in that old thread is a summary of that book's conclusion on what politics (=administrative responsible acting) must be about. The EU is the exact opposite to that, and accumulates powers for the purpose of being more powerful. In that it is not one bit different than any other tyranny out there - and disconnects itself from the people more and more. Diamond points out the importance that political systems are not bigger than the members/citizens of them can overlook them and can see what consequences anybody's actions (including one's own) has on all others' (including oneself), and that rule makers must not be allowed to free themselves from the consequences of their rules, he also illustrates the dramatic relevance of the tragedy of the commons (Tragik der Allmende) and in generla is showing why always bigger political systems and social/communal systems and administration seals their fate to fall and go extinct, last but not least by becomign the more ineffcieint the bigger they become and the more disconnected from reality they become by right that. The whole book is about that: how very reasonable reasons like the ones you give in defence of the EU time and again lead to exactly the opposite of what is hoped to achieve by "following reason". The EU , potlicians in general, all the time argue with "rteason". 'On can debate whether it is that, but that term and label is what everybody claims for himself: I want to do the reasonable thing. In the book Diamond gives over a dozen examples for cultures that fell due to thinking they had good reasons for doing what they were doing. Some relgious reaosns. Soime reaosns based on insufficient kknowledge that was htoguzt to be complete. Mostly reasons based on assumed "reason". He aolso gives exmapels for how totalitarian regimes like the Shogunat in Japan prevented the worst right due to its centraliozation of control, th Shoguns were the reaosnw hy Japan today is such a green country with so many forests - without the shoguns, it would look like Spain today, or Greece: dry, desolate, desert-like.

I red three books by him. Collapse was the one that impressed me the most. The Pulitzer he won for another one, however (Guns, Germs and Steel).
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