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Old 07-04-21, 02:58 PM   #1357
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The video is interesting, though i see no connection here.
There is much better connection and comparison to the past, the fate of the Minoans and the backfall from the bronze to the stone age, because vital supporters of other civilisations and TRADE ran into problems. They had made themselves dependent in a way that a sudden cut of resources finally led to terrible conditions. If there is a connection to the EU in the video (which i outright refuse), then it could be that the EU does not work close enough to backup member nations running into problems. Because of still too much jingoism, and egotism.
Yes, if in ancient times a great cvilisation "died" or lost its leading role, you could say it only concerned them, so a separation into nations is better than a bigger one, since only this smaller one will "die". But the video with Jared Diamond exactly describes how wrong this view is. Single isolated "nations" or tribes without conection to other partners will die out when they run into too much problems.

Regarding your own quote i may recite:

"1. All human behaviour is egoistical in that even any rational decision-making and weighing of options depends on standards seen as valid by the individual – even where assessing if own standards shall bow to standards (or demands) of others.

2. Rational behaviour tends to be destructive in the long run, since it is based on egoistical mo-tives in the meaning of point 1.), and beyond, it favours the strong at the cost of the weaker. An economy basing on egoism as it’s prime motivation aims at preventing competition, dis-connects itself from it’s service for the community, and ultimately destroys both the com-munity and itself – doing so rationally, and as a result of rational, reasonable decision-making.

3. Rationality therefore needs complementation by altruism to evade destructive effects caused by itself, and ultimately to evade rational suicide. The weighing of altruism versus egoism again includes an egoistic element (see 1.) ), as long as altruism is no represented in a “truly self-less love” for the interest of the other, which “agape” in the understanding of Christian tradition comes the closest to. We want to differ between general altruism and agape, there-fore."

If there ever was a pro-argument for the EU by you, it is here

I agree that "we are too many". This "monoculture" supports the spreading of viruses, as the destruction of this planet's ecosystems, fueling wars for resources and so on. Most western nations have no problem with overpopulation, because as a materially and food-wise saturated community or civilisation you do not need to rely on big families to support each other, but e.g. China follows a completey different path. Do you want to solve this problem of over-population by wars, or by education, and support of a certain level of material wellbeing for fewer people(s)?

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 07-04-21 at 03:13 PM.
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