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Old 06-24-21, 02:55 AM   #1326
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^ Ok thanks for answering, but for not being an anti-vaxxer you pick a strange point of view. And yes, no one should be forced to be vaccinated in an ideal world, this is even common sense here. But what to do with anti vaxxers that threaten other people who want to be vaccinated, but are not yet for whatever external reason?

And most anti-vaxxers seem to be quite determined, or better aggressive, when it comes to discussion and reasons. It is very hard to remain calm towards some of those arguments and conspiracy theories offered in an often aggressive and very dumb way. A lot are opposing science for whatever reason. Thinking of Mrs Taylor Greene, but also a lot of such over here.

Also i understood you have had covid 19, and i mean to remember you somewhere wrote that you would not need to be vaccinated after this, which makes sense. So you got a jab after the infection?

"Ridiculous", well i saw a lot of he-who-shall-not-be-named supporters who embraced his first statement that the virus was not dangerous, or if not worse than the flu. He changed his mind, but it was a close thing. He of course made so many turnarounds in his presidential career that it is hard to nail any of his statements down without instantly finding another that contradicts it. He made a lot of followers that way.
So you say there is no danger that anti vaxxers ever came to power – good.. if you say so.

(a bit OT but not much: instead of admitting an error or someone of his cronies criticizing the president he and the right wing blame it all on "fake news" and science, and scientists like Fauci. Certainly, whoever dared to openly disagree with the greatest president of the USA or the chosen one or whatever he said about himself, was a "traitor" and fired. Fauci survived but he is still being blamed in the right-wing media. Must be my "german sense of order" that looks through all this bull and finds it ridiculous? So be it, the rest of the world also seems to have this sense then.)

I wrote "So, what do unvaccinated people do to others? Infect them."
So you misunderstood or i was not exact enough, i certainly mean "what do intentionally unvaccinated people do to other yet unvaccinated people (waiting for their jab)". But I thought this was obvious?

So once more: What i mean is when e.g. the bubonic plague is raging, and people carrying the bacteria do not want to be vaccinated or isolated, they are a threat to the others that have not been vaccinated yet. Not yet because of too few doses of the vaccine available, because of organisation problems, because of delays, whatever.
So what do you say about those probably carrying the disease and their right and freedom not to be vaccinated? Quarantine them? Tell this to Mrs Greene. Freedom ends where it threatens the freedom of others. And their health.

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.

Last edited by Catfish; 06-25-21 at 02:28 AM.
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