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Old 06-20-21, 06:35 AM   #1322
Dipped Squirrel Operative
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
[...] You gave it away? You never had it. Because your pathetic useless government failed to act.
In the EU health was considered a member state competence, so it was not prepared for this. It was about avoiding competition to generate a more even distribution.

"The member states’ approval of the European Commission vaccine plan on June 17, 2020 — which set aside the vaccine “alliance” initiated by France and Germany, later joined by Italy and the Netherlands, for a joint procurement led by the EU’s largest economies — stemmed from the idea of avoiding competition over vaccines inside the EU.

Yet, this put a huge burden on the unprepared commission, which then treated vaccines as a trade matter rather than an emergency negotiation, preferring lower prices over timely deliveries.

Widespread vaccine skepticism was also a problem, and when negotiations were carried out last summer, Europeans thought they largely had the pandemic under control, so they were not desperate for a vaccine. But COVID-19’s variants proved them wrong and ultimately the EU fell behind in the rollout, especially compared to the speed of the United Kingdom or Israel."

Some things could have been better, but there was at least an idea, and they supported 27 member states and others.
The US is one country. From january '21:

>^..^<*)))>{ All generalizations are wrong.
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