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Old 06-14-21, 10:28 AM   #13932
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Like Bavaria and Thiuringia want no hard border with customs and migraiton control, the UK wants no internal border between two if its regions. But there are borders between the United Kingdom and external nations lik ethere are b etween Germany and Austria. Or, sicne that comaorsions lacks, between lets say Poland and Belarus, the former being a EU member and the latter not.

What have custom declarations on imports and exports to do with Brussels dictate of free migration movement?

The brits called for "pragmatic solutions" on the Irish situation. Which means they can probably happily live without sausage customs and all that. They do not want giving contorl of their borders on travelling and non-Irish import.exprt exchnages, however. Brussel links the one to the other, like they link evertyhing in one big pck and say "No trading with us without acceptance of all the other stuff we insist on and that has nothing to do with trade, too". Migration. EU-wide call for bids. Planned mandatory participation in the Euro-zone. European courts being the king of the hill. Brussel demanding sovereignty over 90% of natiponbaol law-making. Or in germany's case: disempowerement of national consittional high courts. And so forth.

The brits are open for shortcut solutions on Ireland. Its the Niorther Ireland bnaitonapsits and the EUcrats rejecting it.

But the situsaiton ahs beehn allowed by ALL sides to distort so miuch that nothign cna be fixed herer withoizut breaking plenty of porcellaine.

Whioch was to be expected, and I expect much more glass broken thna just over the NI protocol. The french and Brussel are out for a fight, and the eU will nenver forgive the stubborn UK islanders their sacrileg of leaving the bog happy family. The illusion got a serious crack, and this will never be forgiven or forogtten. Thwe offense roots deep. Telling the EU that it is not wonderful and all-wanted? What a sacrileg...!
Finally, a deterring precedence must be created so that no EU victim, I mean member, will ever dare to think of leaving again.

Johnson acted naive on NI. But the EU - and Paris, which is not that much a difference - want blood and are out to maximise the damage, to deliver the UK and all others a hurting lesson. That this was apparently underestimated, this is what founds Johnson's naivety. I cannot see other motives why he underestimated this. The EU has him by his balls over the protocol, and they will not let go, but squeeze as hard as they can.

Press your lips together and try to smile, Boris. You gotta go through this.
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