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Old 06-11-21, 03:19 PM   #1300
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Originally Posted by Skybird
The EU has sued Germany because the - formally politically independent - German Constitutional High Court dared to criticise the European High Court over its state-financing policies, which they de facto are: state-financing money policies - that by rule and European treaty and Maastricht criteria and laws are illegal and not allowed. The EU now says that this reflection on and criticism of the European Court is not allowed and illegal and has sued Germany over it. What it implies is that the European institutions are infalliable and can never err, and of course can never be corrupted. What do the EU gangsters expect the German government to do now? The government gagging the court?

I see also a psychological issue at hand here. Super-Uschi, the carricature of a commission president, is German by nationality, and like many German politicians she looks down on her Germanness as if it were the plague. To demonstrate her anti-German Germaness, to call it this way, and her neutrality, she now opens fire at Germany, like she already helped anti-German Merkel in preventing Germany doing its best to secure vaccination doses by its own, and instead turning it into the EU vaccination deaster where instead the "community" buys doses collectively - all under the caretaking and wonderful caring hand and supervision of the EU, of course.

There have been since years ambitions in the EU parliament to make any criticism of the EU, its policies and institutions, a punishable crime. There are those who want an official EU institution where criticism gets filed, and then this EU institution decides whethere the EU can afford to allow this criticism, else the person voicing it gets persecuted. When I first red about this group of politicians (from all party blocks in the EU parliament, btw!) over ten years ago, I had my lunch dripping off the monitor afterwards. Gangsters and ideologists do not want to stop their evil doing. They just want to ban calling it evil doing. Who does so, becomes the offender. The real offender - themselves - always is beyond doubt. Dont we have rules to settle such things in a civilised manner? Dont we have law and order? Aren't there official, government-certified valves to steam off anger and rage? Isnt fight ing against money laundering and tax evasion a good thing so that it justifies to destroy freedoms ever more? Isn't the war on drugs working well? Isn't Bromides and Flourides in your food and water positive for your teeth and health?
Arten't you a socially responsible, honest citizen?

If you have nothing to hide, you must not fear control. Obey, submit, hand yourself over, and be safe.
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