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Old 06-10-21, 12:11 PM   #7
Mad Mardigan
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Originally Posted by divemonkie View Post
Thanks TheNiebuhr
I did a little digging last night but not sure what I was looking for.
I'd thought about using the deck gun as AA as well but figurd the lack of elevation would make it ineffective.

Not looking to creat UberBoat just think the use of flak guns on merchants would be a nice bonus.

It might even be a little too effective might have to lower damege of guns for game balence.

Guessing it'll take some ini file edits as well to add the extra camands for flak? Target surface or target ships.

Anyway. Thanks for putting me on the right path. I'll do some more digging tonight on break.
Ahoy, divemonkie...

it isn't that deck guns weren't used as anti air defense... as they were, until the lack of elevation as you mentioned, came into play then defense air wise, fell solely to the flak guns.

Iirc, the kriegsmarine, did also use deck guns, as well as flak, but as the war progressed & air defenses, got better at ASW as well as better armed (see radar & leigh lights, as well as better depth charge drop tactics which also applied to bomb drops...) well... deck guns, as well as flak was starting to be seen as futile & it was useless for a uboat to stay surfaced & duke it out with aircraft. Think it was towards the end of '43, maybe very early on '44... that flak was starting to be removed from uboats, as well as anti air deck gun ammo not being supplied to the uboats. It may have been even earlier on than the end of '43... will have to do some digging about on that... but suffice it to say.. it was decided that fighting it out with aircraft was basic suicide.. & discretion was the better part of valor when it came to it. Better to dive & try to live to fight another day.

Though, as it went, more than 3/4 of the uboat arm of the navy, didn't make it back home... a clearly devastating attrition rate.

Any way, hope this helps...

M. M.


Last edited by Mad Mardigan; 06-10-21 at 04:13 PM.
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