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Old 06-06-21, 05:08 PM   #1
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Default The "Thats just crazy talk" wish list & questions!

Hr's behind the wheel leave me thinking about what might be possible.

so thinking about the flak guns I started asking myself what lines of code tell the deck guns what to shoot at? Range, Target ship, target deck, target waterline,,,

If that string of commands is found in the 1024ini could it be copied pasted onto the end of the flak guns commands? Allowing us to order flak guns to target surface ships, target command deck, target weapons,,,,If not than would it be possible to simply treat flak guns as another deck gun? You might lose target aircraft this way but I dive and run away 98% of the time anyway.
would be devastating to open up all guns on a surface contact.

Next on my list is SH3 Commander. As I understand it you can add files to SH3cmder, Skins for ships, audio files for gramophone, text files for messages.
What other files will SH3 read from cmder dates folder? would it read a mission file? LND file or SCR file? RND files. I'm not sure of what use this could be but lets say if a single mission file could be MISSION COMPLETE after reaching a waypoint than dropping spies or retrieving spies, might be possible. If LND files could have changing more diverse environments at ports ships docked, coming and going instead of the same old ships docked and the same old ships on and endless loop.

Anyway, just spitballing ideas seeing if anything sticks.
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