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Old 06-02-21, 06:29 AM   #40
Navy Seal
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I finally got my first dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine this past Friday (28 May), and, other than a mild bit off off-feeling and a stiffness in my arm, I haven't had any adverse reactions; I did experience an odd numbness in the ring and little fingers of my left hand (I had the shot in my left arm), but I can't say for certain that it was the result of the jab since I had experienced the same affect prior due to my various conditions; it has been a rather long time since the last bout of numbness, but it may just be coincidental...

I chose the Pfizer over the Johnson since I do have concerns related to my strokes about possible blood clots and there have been scattered reports of blood clots as a possible side effect of the Johnson vaccine, so better safe than sorry; I took so long to get my shot due to various factors; at first, even though I am in the high priority group (old geezer), here in LA County, the first vaccination centers were drive thru only and, since I don't have a car, it was a bit of a non-starter; I decided to wait for my usual clinic to get the vaccine, but there was a lot of confusion owing to the rather inept rollout of the vaccine supply by the Operation Warp Speed (ironic name, that) causing local entities administering the doses to be uncertain as to when, if, or how many doses they were actually going to get, a confusion further aggravated when the General in charge of Warp Speed announced that previously announced reserve supplies for the second round of doses, much touted as being available and in stock, were actually not at all in stock and actually had never existed at all, a fact conveniently hidden until the previous Oval Office administration was just a couple of days away from exiting; the new situation necessitated the County to reassess how, and to whom, the existing dose were to be prioritized, so I had to put off getting the shot...

...then there was the Shingle Situation; I had been long overdue to receive a shingles vaccine, owing to my clinic's difficulty in securing the right vaccine, and they finally got it a few months back, and the decision was made I should get the shingles shot before I could get the Covid shot; it is customary and advised to wait at least two (2) weeks between vaccine shots of differing vaccines; I got the shingles shot and, the very same day, I had a whooping bad reaction to the jab; it laid me up for over three weeks and laid me low; the shingles shot is like the Covid shot and requires two applications to be effective, so, after a prolonged convalescence, I went in for the second shot, hoping for the best; other than a couple of days of off-feeling, the effects were mild, so, with another few weeks of waiting, I finally got the first Covid jab; I'm to receive the second jab just after mid-June, and I hope it goes as well as the first...

I am of a mind, after all the mishaps and stress of my latest experiences with vaccines, if there is a new viral threat, to just let it wash over me and take my chances of coming out OK on the other side...

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