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Old 05-17-21, 01:43 PM   #14
Mad Mardigan
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Originally Posted by Fifi View Post
Then if i decide to shoot magnetic, i always set depth to 6M (90% of ships have >= depth) Furthermore it’s adapted to all kind of waves.
When firing contact, i usually set 5m depth.
One thing I recall Ubi did, back when Silent Hunter: Online, was still about.. was the impact depth was preset to 1.5 to 2 meters depth. I generally went with that, when rolling with SH3 & will explain the reasoning.

As it is, that depth, with the damages caused upon impact & detonation, tears a gash in the side of the ship. That hole, (with the ship being 'gutted' as it were) puts that damages at the greatest spot for the water to then flood in. The more impact det's there are, the faster the ship floods. That's barring your running into torp issues, which is.. well known that the Kriegsmarine dealt with early on & in pretty vast numbers, as I recall. Their abysmal dud rate, was just as bad, if not worse.. even given that they for the most part, again.. as I recall, solved their issues for the most part, earlier on than the U.S. fleetboat side did.

If I am remembering it correctly.. the Kriegsmarine, figured out & eliminated about 85-90% of issues with torps.. I believe & did so, around 6 months to a year in vs the Fleet boats arm, on the U.S. side, with impact issues after a year & a half (and not sure about timewise on the mag det issues... I admit, it has been a bit since I even looked at the info on this.. so, I may be a scootch off here.. just, don't shoot or keel haul Me, if I am.. ) to 2 years into the war. Basic upshot is.. the U.S. skippers, dealt with the frustration, disappointment & heart break of duds, for far longer than the enemy did..

Now, as to setting up for mag dat & the ever lovely recog manual... unless I am mistaken, they did have the books.. and on some to most, I believe they did have some info as to ship's keel depth.. NOT on all of them, mind you.. but I believe they did. For the ones they didn't.. am sure they did manage to keep up with depth settings.. & notated what worked & what didn't when it came to those settings.. when they had a couple of good mag det hits & kills.. they would keep that info, so as to use it again later on... if not even pass it along. My basis for this is... given the fact of their being ordered to track all useful info & kick it back up the chain of command.. & I believe that this sort of info, would fit the bill in those regards. Given that, I believe it just makes sense that they would have done so.

Not that it did them any good, as the war wound down to it's inevitable conclusion, that is... as by near the end, they were getting their aft ends, handed back to them.. as boat losses started to mount atrociously.

At any rate.. as far as mag det settings, I generally go with what the ship was ID'ed as.. then with the keel depth, rated as.. would the add 2 or 3 meters to that depth.. which, for Me.. unless it dudded out, rendered good end results... (again, depending on if there were any duds.. then in that case another torp or more, depending on the target in question.. being sent their way, accordingly.) For rough seas, would adjust the depth a tad deeper, depending on the waves.. also accordingly as I thought it was called for.

But.. that's just My own observations.. as I know opinions, like MPG, varies..

M. M.


Last edited by Mad Mardigan; 05-18-21 at 03:37 PM.
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