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Old 05-16-21, 10:52 AM   #1
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Default What bugs me about Aces of the Deep...

Some things stand out for me, and has done so since the 90s:

1. Why did they program in wave bobbing at periscope depth? It is hugely annoying, illogical, and detracts from the sim. In fact this has always made me seasick. I always have to turn calm ocean on, and live with no waves on the surface. Periscope view should stay steady underwater. Can this be fixed somehow in 2021?

2. Waves sometimes goes hyper speed when surfaced, especially after changing views, pausing or giving a command to the crew. It was worst in Command AOD, but also present in MS-DOS AOD. The waves are ok if using a slow machine or setting DOSbox to emulate a 486 type slower computer. I have to say the wave cycling is crudely programmed, and seem to be a just random oscillation of the surface ending some distance from the boat, and the boats wave bobbing is exaggerated. I much prefer Silent Hunters wave action and ocean in general.

3. Traveling on patrol. The constant speeding up and slowing down of time compression. Going at 2048x sim speed just to be interrupted all the time by planes, no planning of diving or time on surface, no crew member to help other than call out the plane that is about to drop a bomb. Getting damaged because I am too slow to set normal time. They should IMO have chosen a Red Storm Rising / Silent Service II approach to this. In those games you manouver around the map, watching your fuel, get warned when finding a contact and get to choose to engage or not. Would have been better than standing on the bridge at 2000 times normal speed just to get to the patrol quadrant, and get surprised by escorts and planes.

I know I am complaining about 25 year old game, but I have wanted to get this off my chest for a long time.. Other than this the game has an atmosphere I have missed in every game since.
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