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Old 05-06-21, 09:00 PM   #8
Mad Mardigan
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Originally Posted by mikesn9 View Post
I'll ask the simple questions the gurus will ask.

what version of SH4? 1.4, 1.5
where is your game loaded.. never under either program filles.
did you use JSGME to install mod.
Did you delete the SH4 data file in your documents file
are you using LAA

I'm sure they will have more questions.

Your ball, Prop, Marco. MM
Ahoy, Adm Cunningham...

Another thing to include.. MultiSH4... important, if you want to make & mod any other copies of SH4...

This nifty lil' tool, makes a separate game save folder in /documents

1 thing that came to mind... did you right click the SH4.exe & go into 'properties', to uncheck the box for the .exe to NOT be 'read only' on the main pop up menu.? Make sure to do THAT step, after you get SH4 installed & ran for the 1st time... do NOT do anything else before you do that step.

This should ensure that any mods you activate will take as well as not having SH4 in either ''Program files'' locations.

In addition to that, go into 'compatability' tab of properties, & check 'run as Admin' then click ok.

As far as I know of, should not have to change compatibility mode, but keep that in mind, am sure 1 of the other guys, can explain what to look for in making changes there, if needed. Knock on wood, haven't had to.. Yet.. guess I've just been lucky.

There's something else that is niggling at My mind about the 'High
Dpi settings', as well.. as with the changing compatibility, 1 of the others can explain more on that.. don't have all the nuts & bolts down on those areas & will bow out to others who do have that down to a 'T'... & stick with what I do know...

Hope I ain't confused ya & that this info also helps get ya sorted out & up an running..

M. M.

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