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Old 05-05-21, 10:40 AM   #52
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Sometimes even a blind hen can find a grain.
Die Zeit writes:

The investment agreement between the European Union and China has been postponed for a longer period. Work on it could only be resumed once the relationship with the leadership in China relaxes, leading MEPs assume. The deepening of economic relations between the EU and China aimed at with the agreement will thus be postponed for an indefinite period of time. The background to the tensions are, among other things, Beijing’s measures against EU parliamentarians. -

In March, the EU imposed sanctions on four party and regional representatives from Xinjiang Province for cracking down on the Muslim Uyghur minority. In response to the EU sanctions, Beijing for its part imposed sanctions on EU politicians and scientists, including Reinhard Bütikofer, the EU-Green China expert, and Michael Gahler, the CDU MEP. Beijing's reactions to elected representatives and independent scientists were disproportionate compared to the more symbolic measures taken by the EU. -

According to Bütikofer, China's leadership has "grossly miscalculated" the sanctions against EU representatives. It was a "personal embarrassment" for President Xi Jinping, who had made Europe and the trade agreement a top priority in December. Xi did not achieve his goals, despite the active help of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and French President Emmanuel Macron, said Bütikofer. -

The agreement was staged by Merkel and Macron without proper consultations with other EU countries, says the chairman of the trade committee in the EU parliament, Bernd Lange (SPD). It should be enforced "with the crowbar". The agreement is now in the fridge, he sees "little chance" that something will change in the next two years - "especially not as long as the sanctions against colleagues continue to apply". -

What now is important is that this stupid treaty does not get revived later on and the usual EU gangsters like Merkel, Macron et. al. do not conspirate behind locked door in some hidden backroom again to play foul once again. The EU has a well-established tradition to do like this: if the head sof sates do not get their will by the rules, then they do what they must to get it by bending and even breaking the rules.

Any further Chinese aggression may help in achieving this goal, I hope. But then, I also know that politics often only has a short-term memory, and that its real name of the game is, in Monopoly-style, "Opportunismy".
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