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Old 05-05-21, 03:33 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Moonlight View Post
Xi Jinping is all mouth and no trousers, the outrage by celebrities and citizens alike from all over the world will be China's undoing, it will be economic Armageddon for China and they know it.
Nationalistic sentiment can unleash its own dynamic that the man at the helm than no longer controls. I do not rule caculöated war. But I also do not rule out war that is not wanted, but happens due to this situational self-dynamic, or accident. The Chinese behaviour has become extremely aggressive. And they do not leave it just to words anymore.
And not underestimate this: in their view they claim what is their legitimate historical heritage anyway. China has always seen itself as the navel of the Earth, the centre of things, the focus of all human civilization. In their thinking we owe to them to accept their claim for dominance.
Very feudal a selfunderstanding.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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