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Old 04-29-21, 10:38 AM   #3137
CTD - it's not just a job
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We're not certain whether that is a "miscall" or purposeful. It was just a suggestion on my part that it ~might~ contribute. It is one of several aspects we are looking at. As with several aspects of the game though, you can "name" a device anything you want, and use it as something else, such as naming a 16" triple turret for the BB Missouri as a "deck gun" and using it on a submarine. Very possible to do. We haven't "seen" the reason for calling a Gato conn on the Salmon, Sargo or Tambor as of yet. I do remember we used to have troubles with the Tambor all of the time with one malady after another, and that swapping conns seemed to fix them, which is probably why the Gato conn is on the Tambor. I do not remember similar for the Salmon or Sargo. Going by the antennae mounts, I would prefer to have the correct conns on the subs, plus there is a difference in the shears area of the 3 conning towers involved. However, "why" were their calls put to Gato? and does that contribute to the noon gauges and sonar rotation? The submarine operates normally otherwise. You can dive, crash dive, etc., plus you can rotate the sonar head. You just do not get direct gauges feedback of such. Hopefully, when you dock and end patrol, all will be fine. You do have a 'digital' read-out of the sonar head at the station, and if you look at your HUD, those gauges are fine, so you can "safely" operate the boat back to base, and then see what happens next patrol, since the Save, Exit, Restore didn't do the trick. It might even be that you get far enough away from the "scene" of the incident, and then do a Save, Exit and restore, that they'll re-set.

Now, the main problem for me is that I cannot, in innumerable attempts recently and also over the years, replicate what you guys get. All of the testing we've done over time, the only incidents I got the noon gauges was back when it was the Tambor that was the problem child, and I'm talking back in the beta era, like around v0.56 or so. At that time, it occurred when the player's sub encountered a US AI submarine. That was actually "solved" when the AI subs were given their own Library of parts with unique IDs. Perhaps there is a little something in that regard that we missed back then. MM encountered the subs off of Camranh Bay, and who knows if mikesn9 didn't encounter one unbeknownst to him. We really don't know, but we are still digging. There are several possibilities, including the user's computer configuration. Who knows? Tough to say at this time.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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