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Old 04-21-21, 05:44 PM   #630
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
The trial is over and the man was convicted by a jury of his peers. I take no joy in it. I still thought State prosecutors did their job convincing the jury. I watch every bit I could and they convinced me and I wasnt in the court room.

What the prosecutors presented was an ugly truth that most still refuse to acknowledge. Instead degenerates dance in the streets over racism when there was none. While others like Trump discredit the courts and laws.

What happened was nobody gave a damn about Chauvin until it was too late. He spent his entire career doing a job none of you degenerates could. None of you can hold a candle to what he and others like him do. While you sit in your mothers basements taking up causes. He did his duty he did the job you are afraid to do. He saw the worst of what humanity had to offer everyday. He made it possible for you degenerates to walk outside at night. And none of you ungratful degenerates asked or gave a crap how these brave men and women deal with it.
I tend to agree wholeheartedly with this. The only sticky issue is that going from having to deal with social parasites to becoming a vigilante is a very fine line and even cops with the best of intentions can find themselves crossing over that line out of a sense of frustration.

We wouldn't be in this situation to begin with if society were willing to confront the ugly truth about certain sectors of the population for whom criminal activity is endemic and generational.

So - we have new cops for whom Floyd was uncontrollable resulting in Chauvin having to assist. We have a seasoned cop who is tired if freaking with the same scum over and over again because arrests aren't prosecuted or they plea down, resulting in a revolving door of criminal activity. We have a police department full of "leaders" who are anything but. We have politicians unduly influencing criminal charges and a prosecution. We have a bunch of antifa animal savages rioting even though they got the verdict they demanded. The people in MSP are no safer than they were before Chauvin charged.

We all know what the problem is, but leaders refuse to address it because they don't want to be unfairly accused of "racism" even though antisocial behavior holds no race or class distinction.

The *only* way to resolve this is for government to direct police to shoot to kill every looter/rioter and to *directly* confront antisocial behavior with harsh measures. The challenge is how to do so without jumping to conclusions and having undeniable proof before taking action in addressing antisocial behavior.

Example - Philadelphia's Kensington Ave open air drug market can easily be cleaned up, but it requires law enforcement to roust every vagrant. It requires city sanitation workers to clean streets. It requires law enforcement to endlessly harass drug dealers and customers, arresting them at every turn. It requires prosecutors to bring charges and refuse to plea bargain. It won't happen because of a combination of institutional laziness and corruption in city government, with several drug dealers bribing officials along the way.

What it boils down to is moral people to demand that all of society act morally.
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