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Old 04-19-21, 08:13 PM   #11
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by El Whacko View Post
To be perfectly honest it wouldn't surprise me if he went to prison and somebody killed him in there. Considering what he did, it wouldn't be crazy to wonder if someone would kill him when he got to prison since:

1. He is a former cop, he probably put some in prison, and by astronomical unluckiness he went to the same prison as a person he put away and was killed
2. He killed a person in a racially motivated crime and so someone who would take offense to his crime would probably try to kill him.
Number 1 is possible.

Your conjecture, however, in number 2, is patently false. Officer Chauvin committed no crime of racial bias. He was enforcing Minnesota law as it exists using compliance holds taught by the Minneapolis police department. The man who he was arresting for passing counterfeit bills recently had covid, had enough fentanyl in him to be fatal for most people, had a pre-existing heart condition, and was noncompliant in the arrest. He was also predisposed to violent criminal behavior given his multiple past run-ins with law enforcement.

A person who was trying to put a criminal past behind themselves wouldn't be using illegal drugs or passing counterfeit money. Unfortunate as it may be, George Floyd killed George Floyd.
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