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Old 04-19-21, 02:58 PM   #2192
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If fans complain, I could accept that, indepedently form whether I agree or not.

What I cannot accept is that it is highly corrupt, money-greedy organisations like FIFA and UEFA (has no place here, but for the sake of competeness: the IOC) who push themselves for increasing the coin-mining, who complain about this - obviously money-greedy - initiative, set up threats, and obviously worry about their corruption monopoly.

I think we already have TOO MANY tournbaments and matches. The titles have become menaingless, if you inflate the number of tournaments endelssly, and the number of teams allowed.

At the end of such developments, you just get the typical cheap soup of the day: tasteless, overly salty, grey, and forgotten the moment the soup plate is taken away.

Its thw wrong people complaining about this. What FIFA and UEFA complain about is what they themselves are guilty of.

There was such a development in chess, aorund 20 years ago, or even longer. The FIDE, run by a Karpov-loyalist, was faced with a split of initiated by Kasparov, trying to establish an independent professional chess federation. It did not last for long, as I seem to recall.

I have a better idea. Dismantle FIFA and UEFA of all its current poerosneel and fat cats. imit staff ot just a fraction. Limit terms it can serve to just one or two. If two, it must be shorter terms. Install fincial limits from all beginning on: fees, boni, but also pric emoney - everything.

Another idea I sympathise with is to skip all that national team hokuspokus , and replace it with a one big, international Europe league.

My third idea would be to introeuce somethign like they have in Niortamericn sport sleagues: drafting system at the beginnign of a seaosn that are desoigned to allow weaker teams to pick stroinger players first. Can you imagien how BORING it is to always havew the same suspects sitting from begnning to end of the season on the top one or two ranks of the table?

I have stopped even taking note of the Bundesliga results. And when I see a picture ofn the National team, I do not think 2German team", sorry,biut am reminded of an international good will team selection. Plus they all are steamlined, politically correct, tame, lame, clean "Milchbubis". Identification value for me - and myn people more!! - is exactly ZERO. NILL. NONE. I just wait for the day they implement diversity quotas in team rosters, and mandatory gender starlets taking turns for the captain's rank.

I will enjoy the next championship, Löw's last one. I am hopeful for a merciless massacring of the Germans. I will find it most amusing.
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