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Old 04-11-21, 12:14 AM   #1
Amiral Crapaud
Electrician's Mate
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Hello there chaps!

We haven't been idle over the last few weeks, posting smaller updates left and right. A bigger one is incoming, but in the meantime here is some relevant contents from recent updates, including some bits of animated gameplay options for a change.

We're prototyping our menu & our soundtrack, care to tell us if you feel like the mood is adequate considering the topic? The footage is kinda old so no worries this will be changed and made more relevant, but it was picked based on the sort of feeling we wanted to convey more than anything. Hope it does the trick

And some extra 3D models posted during our March updates too:

As of late we've been posting a lot of 3D stuff, but it doesn't mean we've been inactive under the hood - quite the opposite actually. Although from the standpoint of aesthetics most remains to be done (it's somewhat there, just not cute enough to be showed according to our artists...), we have been very busy with the gameplay functions themselves.

One of the important features of Task Force Admiral are notably our advanced formation system, which will recognize two main types of formations - simple formations, and compound formations - which will be customizable and manageable to an extent that hasn't been done before in any game about the topic. This GIF from the formation editor within the mission editor proper gives you an idea of how easy and intuitive it is to move your ships around in a larger, multi-division task group. This destroyer division is being formed into a line formation, a bent line formation, a loose/customized formation, an arc formation, an echelon right and an echelon left formation using a few clicks.

This is not only necessary from a tactical standpoint, it is also the best way to ensure that we will be able to recreate meticulously historical task groups by placing ships where they ought to be when the information is available. The in-game configuration screen uses the same system, with an actual grid placed on your navigation table instead of a paper maneuvering board. Paired with the fleet defense interface that allows you to customize threat arcs and defensive air operations (Combat Air Patrols & Inner Patrols, mainly), the common interface allows you to remain familiar with the tools you use in both modes in order to achieve maximum efficiency.

Hope the wall of text didn't scare you! Feel free to comment, just bear in mind that it is very bare-bone. Don't worry, it gets only prettier from here

In other news, Yamato had a small tribute a few days ago too - I know some of you in here probably are fans of the Missy, so allow me to post a few good views of the Lady while I am at it

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