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Old 04-04-21, 05:25 AM   #8
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Ukraine is no NATO member, so the block has no automatic role in it if the US goes in. And the Us may find it logistically challenging to go in without support by NATO countries.

Ignoring this may be seen as a de factor adoptation of the Ukraine by NATO, equalling NATO membership - the thin red line the Kremlöin watches closely that it does not get crossed.

This might be the reason why NATO members may agree to follow the US in, what does not change that I still would find it wrong - both actions, the US and the European one.

Personally I think it is no purely American thing either. Its on Europe'S doorstep, so let the Europeans run the show, if they think they have some military role to play in there. I already know how it would end, and that is not glorious. Germany is to tak eover command and main contribution of NATO's VJTF taks force soon - and still is unable to equip it with the announced number of armoured platforms. Far from it. And the last thing I want is getting sucked into a military adventure against the Russians on behalf of a partly weak, partly corrupt failed state dominated by crimincal cartels and organised criminals. We already have enough foul apples to feed in Europe, we do not need another one paying his bills from our pockets.
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