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Old 03-24-21, 04:29 PM   #16
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A very interesting, fascinating explanation why the consummation of saturated fats lead to higher levels of LDL. It might be not so much a sign of a health issue, but a normal adaptation mechanism.

The understanding of fats and cholesterol has seen a revolution in the last decade or even slightly longer. Food and pharma lobby bitterly fight and argue against it, but it is quite clear by now that the old belief that saturated fats are bad and unsaturated fats are better, can no longer be supported.

The Norwegian ecothrophologist authoring the article behind the link above, is just a very new look at it (and she has beside her witty brain also the good looks of herself to offer...). We also need to understand that cholesterol gets transported by LDL and HDL, from liver to organs, and back. Certain fats like coconut fat include very high levels of saturated fat acids, (90-96%), and correlate with rises in LDL. However, there are LDLs with small and with big particle sizes. The problem are the small ones, since these can penetrate into the walls of blood vessels, if these are already fractured or rough, for any reason. Then the small particles can start to clot and form atherosclerosis, possibly (it depends on so many other facotrs, on the ability to counter oxydation, the presence of other molecules and vitamines and nutrients and amino acids and so much more). The message here is that LDL is not just LDL. While coconut oil can correlate with a rise in LDL, it nevertheless has a health benefit, because it raises the LDL mostly by big particled LDL, while reducing small particled LDL, which is the dangerous one. So while you have a higher total LDL, you may nevertheless enjoy a lower level in small particled LDL, which in the end is a net gain in health effect.

After coconut oil got celebrated, since some years the food industry tries to defame it again, instead wants to sell their seed oils with claimed healthy unsaturated fats and their toxic levels of inflammatory Omega 6 (sunflower oil has a O6 : O3 ratio of 125:1 !!!) from their monumental monocultural farms that bring so much wanted profits (if not for the farmers, then at least for the food industry...). Don't believe everything they try to tell you to scare you and fearmonger you!

There are studies that the increased consummation of saturatedf fats can even extend the life of the elderly people and protect them to some degree against strokes and cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

What should be avoided, are trans fats, seed oils and Omega-6 oils, as well as any oil that is especially prone to fast oxidation (linseed oil!). Eat freshly shreddered linseeds and nuts completely instead of using just their oil. The O6 may still be in the comolkete seed/nut - but also plenty of antioxidants mother nature put into the nut and seed that keep O6 under control and in balance. In oils, you usually miss these antioxidants. Also, avoid refined oils, ald every oil sold in clear plastic bottle (light and UV means constant ongoing oxydation). Avoid oils that get won by using heat, and in plenty of light. Keep heat and oxydation out of the equation of creating oil, whereever possible.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-24-21 at 04:38 PM.
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