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Old 03-15-21, 03:01 AM   #10
Capt Codetrucker
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Originally Posted by Pilot_76 View Post
There is a utility to use pyhton software to read your save games either directly or via network (to not interrupt your patrol). It converts SH sub position and when you load Stellarium the date and sub's location will be already loaded.....
Thank you. I found it and am modding the Python script to match my custom install of SH4 to work with Stellarium.

FYI - Once I get the script working correctly, I will be attempting to mod copies of the script to use with SH3, SH5 (I hope), FSX (yes, FSX can be used as a ship/sub sim), Sailaway (sailing sim), and Virtual Sailor/Vehicle Simulator. Essentially, I should be able to adapt the script to work as long as the app produces lat/lon text coordinates I can manipulate.

Stay tuned to this thread for developments and voyage log. One caveat is I may take a long while, so don't expect quick work.
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