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Old 03-10-21, 06:48 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
Unfortunately, all of that work was lost when old PC crashed. I thought I had backed them up, apparently not. Then was away from SH 4 for a while, busy with life. COVID gave me more time last year. I kept getting a CTD with RSRD for some reason so went to TMO only, which was in bad need of a facelift. I got RSRD working again but missed the challenge of TMO so came up with the idea to improve TMO alone. I have reworked the traffic, which is akin to RSRD in many ways, created a ship pack, which uses many of the RSRD ships so they are in TMO. I added the major and even some minor battles esp in Solomons in 43/43/ Air strikes by carrier forces, Hailstone etc. Amazing all I completed actually in short time last summer when quarantining at home lol. I'm about 98% finished, few tweaks left, basically just merging everything into one package, which is in itself time consuming. I did just discover. With night surface attacks possible now, as described above, really takes things to a new level. I'm on a test patrol in April 1944 now, having a blast.
That's a shame to hear dude, sorry about that. Must have been a kick in the teeth to lose everything!

Would you say your new TMO mod is roughly parallel with RSRDC then? In terms of convoys/task forces etc?

Where did you get the data to add the new convoys in for your previous mod? Is it available for me to add in myself?
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