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Old 03-06-21, 03:51 PM   #6592
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FOCUS writes:

Where did the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus come from? The answer is politically sensitive. A WHO investigation on site in Wuhan considers a laboratory accident to be "extremely unlikely". One group of scientists sees it differently and calls for further investigations.

The origin of the corona outbreak in Wuhan has still not been finally clarified. A broad scientific consensus is the zoonosis, according to which Sars-Cov-2 has jumped from an animal to a human. This is also the conclusion reached by the experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) who, after a long tug-of-war with China, researched the origin in Wuhan.

The "most likely route" of transmission to humans is from bats via another animal as an intermediate host, said WHO team leader Peter Ben Embarek at the subsequent press conference in February. The WHO experts considered a laboratory accident "extremely unlikely".

Possibility of a laboratory accident: New examination requested in an open letter

"If there is even a residual probability that makes a laboratory accident appear possible, you have to test it," emphasizes Günter Theißen, professor of genetics at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, in an interview with " ntv ". Theißen is a co-signer of an open letter from various scientists, which was published by the " New York Times" on Thursday, among others .

The signatories call for a new, comprehensive investigation into the origin of the virus. Due to the strong influence of China , they consider the investigations on behalf of the WHO to be "not a thorough, credible and transparent investigation". In addition to the 17 international scientists, 17 Chinese scientists were also directly involved in the WHO study. One was dependent on the information from the Chinese authorities. The results should have been approved by both teams. According to the letter, the scientific informative value is "severely impaired".

Theißen also emphasized in an interview with "ntv": "We don't want to stir up prejudices, we just want to know how it was. And there are just a lot of possibilities. But we don't have the impression that it is currently really free of prejudice like one Criminal case is determined in all directions. "

The search for origin is politically sensitive

The problem: The search for the origin of the pathogen is considered politically sensitive, as China fears that it will be denounced as the culprit for the pandemic. If the virus had actually escaped from a laboratory, compensation claims could threaten worldwide. Theißen says: "We have a lot of indications that the zoonosis hypothesis is favored because it is probably the most politically innocuous." The pandemic would therefore have a natural cause - and "there would be no one who would be directly or indirectly responsible".

He emphasizes: "Even after a year there is still no reliable evidence that Covid-19 is a zoonosis." He himself thinks the laboratory hypothesis is more likely. Especially because coronavirus research was carried out in Wuhan.

"You can create a virus like that in the laboratory if you want"

The Wuhan Institute for Virology (WIV) collects and processes virus samples and also conducts research with coronaviruses from bats. "There they also genetically modified these viruses and introduced them into human cells to see how they behave in them," claims Theißen. And: "You can create a virus like this in the laboratory if you want to."

But how is the corona virus supposed to have gotten to the public? Theißen can imagine that an employee would have become infected through carelessness. Possibly without symptoms and without even realizing it.
Theißen and his co-signatories are calling for a new, comprehensive investigation of the origin. And as soon as possible. "I think the truth will come out sooner or later. It's just that it can take a long time. If crucial people don't cooperate, it may take too long and we already have the next pandemic," he warns.

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