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Old 03-06-21, 12:01 PM   #6590
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Skybird View Post
I have quesitoned the social distancing of 1.5-2 meters as way too close already last year, and said that it doe snot prptect against standing and slowly wallowing aerosol clouds in enclosed compartments and room.

FFP2 masks do indeed not fulyl prevent infecitons, but as their specificaiton says, FFP2/KN95 standard must filter 19 out of 20 particles. actually good quality FFP2 filters filter even almost 99% if correctly worn.

They trick is that any cloth you wear will reduce the vorus load durign an exposition. The virus load coprreclates with the severity of the dveloping case, since more vorusses ifnecting on exposition shortens the time the immune system is left with to adapt before vorus numbers overwhelm the organism. Any reduction of virus load works the probabilties in your favour. Ebven a sheet of paper will do that, although not too efficient. Aeroisols int he air can stand thgere for long time to come, and that'S why it is impront to not stay in t hem for long. The filter on your face then will only extend the time until virus load you inhale becomes critical.

What is so difficult in these things. I dont get it.
I'd take a look at recent studies postulating that the reasons masks are partially effective is the same reason cold and flu precipitously decline spring and summer - it's not acting as a filter all that much due to improper wear resulting in exhalate leakage around mask edges, it's humidifying the inhalate, which then coats your mucosal membranes, making it easier to clear any virus you do inhale.

In Germany FFP2 or KN95 might be the standard. In the US, many people are wearing any number of face coverings - bandanas, gaiters, t-shirt material, etc. - because state health authorities are only concerned with health theater and not being held liable rather than actual health.

The below illustrates the issue with the general public regarding wearing of masks.
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