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Old 03-02-21, 04:56 PM   #13674
Samurai Navy
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Originally Posted by vdr1981 View Post
I can not agree more. I once asked TDW pretty much the same question but all he said is that there isn't much space for planes AI improvements. Yes, planes are quite dumb when it comes to bombs BUT, when they got rockets in later campaigns it's a completely different story IMO. I commonly get sunk on my first patrol when testing late war campaigns...
Yes, rockets are very deadly, but mostly because your crew calls out the target very late if the sky isnīt completely clear.

This is not entirely true. Here's few examples how convoys constantly change their course, which can make most of the radio reports from BdU unusable...

As you can see, I wouldn't call it a straight line exactly...
I mean, once you have them in your sight. It becomes kind of repetitive. Destroyers around the convoy, always in kind of the same formation, no evasive or preemptive movements unless you have been spotted, etc...
Even if you attack a convoy, they will go back to their previous movement pattern after some time.


I don't know, this is a subject for wider discussion. I found SH3 destroyers to be much more predictable and somehow all the same. I remember that one of the main tactics to avoid destroyer attack in SH 3/4 was so called "down a throat shoot from stern tube" (or something like that). Although quite ridiculous IMO, it become something like legitimate tactics in previous SH titles...Yes, IRAI isn't perfect but it has it's advantages...Same goes for SH5+TWoS, but you already know that!
The down the throat shot is a valid tactic, that was used IRL

And I'd say that only learning celestial navigation using Alpheratz's video tutorials is reason enough to start new campaign...
That is indeed tempting.
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