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Old 03-02-21, 11:29 AM   #13667
Samurai Navy
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Wow, congratulation on the update!

Now all the game needs is my opinion this:

1: Better AI for planes. For example, planes should drop their bombs on the position where the submarine submerged. Now you are safe once you get below the surface. Planes on a bomb run will immediately abort the run once the submarine has submerged.

2. Better AI for ships. While I was still playing my campaign I noticed that convoys almost always travel in a straight line. There is no zig zag movement, unless you have been detected. This makes it very easy to set up near perfect shots. Also Destroyers stay within the formation as long as you have not been detected. They do not sweep ahead or to the sides.
Unfortunately this makes most engagements play the same way. Predictable

Id say these points are the main reasons preventing me from starting a new campaign in SH5 at the moment.

I know, doing something about the AI is very difficult, but it has been done in the past. SH3 with GWX unfortunately has better AI than what we see now in SH5 + TWOS.
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