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Old 02-21-21, 11:31 AM   #220
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I do not plan for apocalyptic scenarios and scenarios of lasting social colklapse, becasue you cannot plan for that. And I wonder why I would wish to make it through such an endless scenario.

I plan for temporary and likely scenarios of limited tiomespan. Big blackout. Paper currency collapsing. And since corona for toilet paper shortages.

It is importan thowever that people do not overlook that such scenarios causea rattail of follow-on problems that extend the time of hardship. Many seem to not have this on their radar. The whole stores supply logistic depend on functioning electricty and communication. If these were off for logner time, the whole logistics chain has brojen down, and will not come back to life any time soon just because now there is power in the wire again. Or consider dried-out sweet water pipes, fully infected with all kind of germs and txcines avfter soem days not having held water. The sewages system. It all needs to be cleaned again,a nd started form scratch again. And that will take WEEKS and WEEKS after power came back.

Think long, look far, plan ahead.

I have no car, but cars loose their value if gasoline stations cannot pump out fuel and get no new fuel supplies.

I am getting older, and will find it ever more difficlt to endure pyhsicla challenges of moving around a lot with heavy luggage. The older I get the more my strategy will and must shift to stationary defence. Mobility is for the younger, stronger. Thats the grim truth.

And in the end: why asusming that I will or must live forever? At some oint it becomes mor eimpritant how we face the time we mist die. Crying, yelling and hysterically strampling, or - well, differently? Sooner or laer, everybody of us needs to answer this question, and it will be asked only once and the answer will be irrevocable. Fight fiercly as long as it makes sense, but if it makes no sense anymore, I see nothing wrong in calming down and stop fighting. All ways of living lead us to the moment we die. So...?
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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