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Old 02-17-21, 11:09 AM   #6379
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Catfish View Post
^ Fatality numbers are not the same. Once more political opinion by Fox business, does not help.
That Florida is faring better than other comparable states with lesser restrictions can imho be related to weather, temperature and following behaviour.

"Florida has more cases per 100,000 residents. More deaths, too.
[In] just the last 90 days [...] California has recorded more cases, but fewer deaths than Florida. Adjust for population and California comes out better on both measures."
So what? We really need to stop thinking in terms of what-if fatalities to impose restrictions on entire populations when the majority are not in an at-risk group. Probabilistic risk assessment yields a result that shows the majority of people don't even know they have covid and of those that do, the vast majority of them have mild symptoms.

Florida, for example, has a very large population of the elderly who are more susceptible, in comparison to California, as indicated in the article you quoted from:

Anecdotally, everyone's experience will be different.

I know three people who got covid. Parents of my daughter's BFF got it last spring and only found out after the fact when they decided to get tested for antibodies after their bout was done and over. Two weeks of flu symptoms. Three mother of my son's friend got it this fall - 3 days of a migraine. My wife suspects she had it last year - but who knows?

I've seen an article about a whole family in rural Northern California who got it with many of them hospitalized, including an 18-yr old. Add it's only when you get to the *end* of the article when you find out the 18-yr old is medically severely obese, which is a risk factor. But most people only read the headline or the first couple of paragraphs and are then susceptible to the fear-mongering...

Are there severely ill people who died from covid? Yep - and they make up less than 1% of those affected.

Wear a mask in crowded spaces if you have risk factors. Vaccinate the elderly. But stop banning people from sitting on a park bench in the outdoors...
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