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Old 02-14-21, 10:52 AM   #14
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Default Roadmap from devs

Found on steam forums...

- Get on top of the launch bugs! We're working hard to get them resolved.

- UI improvements. This is a high priority!

- Closely examine any balance issues, both in the campaign and combat.

- Assess player feedback and suggestions and determine how they overlap with our vision of the game.

- Assist and support the modding community.

Within the year we would like to;
- Continue to polish the UI.

- Expand modding capabilities.

- Add more campaigns, ships and aircraft. Some free, some as part of DLCs.

- Ongoing enhancements.

Long Term Support
Our plan has always been to support War on the Sea for the long term. This is our most ambitious title to date and as we've mentioned before, this is the game we always wanted to make since Pacific Fleet.

War on the Sea has been designed with future expansion in mind and we are keen to see the entire Pacific theatre (41-45) represented; as well as eventually revisiting the Atlantic, and perhaps extending content as far as the Mediterranean theatres.
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