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Old 02-13-21, 10:31 AM   #6326
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Originally Posted by Jimbuna View Post
Assuming the test result is correct. 20 ng/mil is dangerously low indeed. Below 20 is said to command immediate action, whereas 20-30 ng/ml is desecirbed as seriously deficient. Orthodox medicine wants levels to be between 40 and 60, I see nothign wrong having them at 70-90. Caution I would recomemnd fi you approach the 100 barrier, plus there are indices that the body cannot makje use of such hugh levels anyway. Alsom , the body is not prepared to process more than 20.000 IE per day. He simply refuses to do that. Thats why I think flooding of short time but hugher dosis, lets say 50.000 for one week, has less benefit than doing 20.000 for 2 weeks.

I am not surprised by his lower than expected levels. He has taken it since spring last year, I remember the videu when he held up a package of Vitamine-D for the first time. Initially I think he started with 1000 IEs, then 2000 some months later, and then 2500 and 3000. He never mentioned to have done a flooding phase, as I call it.

Here is the rub: Vitamine-D, may it come from sunlight and ksin production or by throwing in a pill, runs thorugh a complex chain of chemical prcesses and does am lot of travelling ij the body, inclduignmliver and kidneys, to get chnaged and processed again and again. Its a fat-solvent pro-hormone in fact, does not concentrate in the blood from all beginning on of your vimaine intake, but gets stored in the body's fat-depot's cells first, until they are saturated. The ammount you need, is an individual dosis, therefore, it depends on your weight, and on the ratio between your individual fat mass and body mass. Filling the fat depots up first can take months and months! The lower a dosis you take, the longer it takes. That is time in which you take vitamine-D pills and think you already benefit from it - but you don't yet!

Thats why I recommend, and many experts for Vitamine-D do recommend that as well, to have that flooding phase. In hospitals and with a patient in emergency they even may work with one-time doses of 100.000 IE for that reason, and even 200.000 and 300.000 IE.

Thats why I started with 20.000 IE a day, for around two weeks, and then halved that to 10.000 IE a day for another two weeks, and then halved it again to the planned maintenance dose of 5.000 IE per day. Actually, due to new information input from new literature I gained on Vitamine-D, I meanwhile have re-raised that level again, my daily maitenance dose since months now is 10.000 IE.

Its surprising, and shocking a bit, that even doctors open for these things like Campbell no doubt is, do not know these things!

As a reminder, but I think one cannot tell it often enough: a well-founded, amongst experts widely agreed dosis estimation from where on you may get yourself into troubles due to reaching "toxic" levels, is 40.000 IE a day, the risk there is that after doing that for some months without further support (Vit-K2 and Magnesium), you form out a hypercalcemia, which is not wanted. I am pretty confident by now to say that if you do not get close to this daily limit and over severla months, you are very, very unlikely to get troubles with your calcium levels. Even if you do not take K2. But we know no toxic level for K2 anyway, so why not being safe and instead being sorry. Why not accepting K2 then. It does no harm whatever.

The risk for a one-dose toxiticy of D3 is somewhere in the range of 100.000 to 150.000 IE in one day. You can expect things like diziness, headaches, migraine, psychotic episodes, hallucinations, sensoric misperceptions, over some hours. After the Vit-D is no longer taken, the symptoms will end after some hours, and thats it, chapter closed. Go home, live your life again, be happy.

So, do not allow others to scare you with horror stories about how risky and dangerous it is to take supplements like this, and that it is a bad idea because it is "artifical" and is not not eating a plant or fruit or vegetable. Thats all unedcuated bolocks, flavonides and food-related co-factors in case of Vit-D are not that much relevant anyway. You need a solid Magnesium level to "activate" Vitamine D, and you need, to be sure and safe in any case, Vitamine K2 to activate two proteins that will collect any Calcium in the blood stream and put it where it belongs: into the bones and teeth. But for D3 levels below 20-40 thousand IE per day, K2 may not even be relevant, because the risk for hypercalcemia in these doses is practically still not existent, and becomes only beyond that a concern. I am confident to say that you are safe if not exceeding 20.000 And I think that is a conservative estimation. Mind you: I take 10.000 every day, and do not think about it anymore.

There are supplements that you should and must know some things about, and where you must watch out limits because a toxic overall amount in your body can be reached relatively fast. Zinc must be taken care of, other examples are selenium, iron, and iodine (if taking it in high doses of high two-digit milligrams) should be well supported with Zinc, B2, B3, Q10, Vit-C, Vit-D, Omega-3, ancient salt, not so much because a feared toxicity of iodine (iodine itself isn't toxic, full stop!), but because of dealing with possible raised demands in ATP production by your mitochondrias and because of possible detoxification effects when the much iodine you take "loosens up" all that chloride, flouride and bromide that have docked to the receptors that originally were meant by nature to allow the docking of iodine.

Its good that Campbell posted that video. Learn from it! All these nutrition suppements, are no drugs, are no artificial chemistry. They are FOOD. They are what should be part of your food, but isn'T anymore. When you fill your pillbox for the week with vitamines and minerals and trace elements, think of it as preparing food for lunch and dinner. The problem with pills like these is not that they are pills, as long as the chemical geometry of the molucules is identical to that of the same substance contained in "natural" food. The problem only is if you think because you swallowed pills you can stop eating normal food, because all the many thousand of other additional materials and ingredients and nutrients, secondary things, flavonides, fibres then go amiss, and they are like stage workers in a theatre, where as minerals and vitamines are stars on stage. The audience does not come because of the backstage crew, but because of the performing stars. But the stars cannot shine without a good backstage crew. So eat normally - AND supplement! I take 3x 1000mg Vitamine-C over the day - and still i also have every day a glass of fresh lemon juice: but the latter certainly not for the small amount of Vitamine-C in it...

And do not trust the WHO, CDC, RKI, DGE, all these institutions with close ties to the food and pharmaceutical industry. They all represent very political and very money-heavy interests, and none of these interests are to your benefit. They are power- and profit interests. Read, get books, educate yourself - and then do your own thing. Just get your homework done well! Listen what a doctor has to say, always listen - but do not trust it blindly, he can only tell you what he has learned himself, and the university courses in medicine are heavily porked by the established paradigms. Western medicine has a lot of good things to show up with regarding surgery techniques and emergency intervention, but it knows surprisingly little about actually healing instead of just doctoring on symptoms, and about prevention. And the pharmaceuticla idnistry cnanot have a real interest in healing at all: because who would buy their expensive drugs if all people were not ill but healthy...? A doctor not havign learned about that after university, cannot know it, because his university studiyng will not have taught it to him. You cannot even be angry at him for that. But you can tlel him that he is off track with something. Precondition is that you have made your homework before doing that. And so: get books to read, get yourself educated on things. Never has it been easier than in our present times to get informed (or misinformed). Do not blindly depend on others, and experts: experts may be experts indeed - or sometimes not!

Quote of the day!!
16:00 I want to promote my health as optimal as I possibly can, not just eliminate deficiency desease.
Unfortunately, many official recommendations for "optimal" doses of nutritions do exactly that: they take the minimum doses needed to to reliably prevent deficiency deseases, and claim these to be the optimum,

slightly overstepping these has already the dangerous risks of toxicity, organ failure, and gates of all hells opening wide. 70-100mg for Vitmaine C (prevents scabies). 150mcgr iodine (prevents struma). 800-1400 IE Vitmaine D (prevents mental retardation in child developement). The absolute minimums are sold to the poublic as the diela optimizusms that should, under no circumstances, be overstepped. Thats why I see: do not trust DGE, RKI (Germany), WHO, CDC, national food associations and government recomemndations. DO NOT TRUST THEM. Its lobbying for pharmaceutical industry interests.

Add to this many criminal recommendations by these "authorities". That you should consume flourid and accept bromide supplemented in your food (both are cellular toxines). That you should have 6-12% of your daily calories eaten in form of "healthy" seed oils with plenty of inflammatory Omega-6 (the ratio in the West between inflammatory O-6 and non-imflammatory O-3 ranges from 15:1 to 30:1, even 50:1 in regions). That you need calories for life (you don't, what is essential is fats, ask keton diat followers). That corn syrup does no harm (its practically toxic). That there is a risk differrence between fructose and glucose (there isn't) . That you should eliminate your salt consummation as much as you can (only few health reocmmendaitons have caused so much illness and death in the world, like this capital crime of an advise). That vegan eating is natural and healthy (its hopelessly deficitary and more an idoleogical obsession that a "natural" thing). That full corn is good (a paleontological and metabological discussion would be needed here to go into that, but I have fully reversed from my former belief in full corn diat, and already many years ago). That fats from animals are bad (they are the ones our bodies can deal with better than with any other). That iodine is toxic (it is not). That HDL and LDL are different in their goodness and evilnedss (its the size of the LDL particles that make a difference, the small LDL particles are dangerous, the big ones are almost not). That now it was flound that Omega-3 is just not good, as previously assumed (they underdosed O-3 in those studies and left the monumental levels of O-6 untackled - what did they expect then...? Very serious methodological flaws, the counfounding variables were not controlled!!) That - I stop here. The list of uncrupolous dumbness goes on and on and on.

Its physical assault, else I would laugh.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 02-13-21 at 11:08 AM.
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