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Old 02-11-21, 01:08 AM   #7
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by the game logic if you are in spawn distance of another u-boat you are "in command" of the "wolfpack" your group represents and as such it gives you the credit for the kill

as for sinking neutrals - i fall back on the prize regulations


Specifically the following provisions...


Any goods stored as cargo, ballast or stored in the holds aboard an enemy vessel are subject to capture and confiscation.

Postal parcels which are deemed to contain no information of strategic value are not subject to confiscation unless their final destination is a port under blockade by Germany or its allies

Any goods belonging to the crew or passengers of a vessel which are clearly identified as goods intended for the personal use of the crew or passengers of an enemy vessel are to be considered free from risk of confiscation.

Neutral vessels sailing in convoy with enemy vessels are subject to boarding and confiscation of the aforementioned articles as described above.

Neutral vessels which passively resist stoppage and boarding are subject to boarding and confiscation of the aforementioned articles as described above.

Neutral vessels which violently resist stoppage and boarding are subject to boarding and confiscation of the aforementioned articles as described above.

Neutral vessels which intervene against your boarding action or intervene against your attacking of an enemy vessel are subject to boarding and confiscation of the aforementioned articles as described above.

Neutral vessels which are stopped and boarded who have no article of transfer aboard, or such article of transfer is inaccurate or incomplete are subject to confiscation of the aforementioned articles as described above.

Neutral vessels which are observed to be participating in blockade operations against Germany or its allies in concert with our enemies are subject to boarding and confiscation of the aforementioned articles as described above.

At the commander’s discretion, Neutral vessels may be attacked and sunk if:

1. The vessel is traveling in hostile convoy

2. The vessel resists violently against the U-boat

3. The vessel provides violent assistance to an enemy vessel to prevent the U-boat’s efforts against said enemy vessel

4. The vessel is unquestionably participating in blockade against Germany or her allies

Amendment – 28 SEP 1939 – by order of Der Führer vessels flagged as Russian, Italian, Japanese or Spanish which are stopped shall only be questioned on their cargo and destination. No other action is to be taken against such vessels.



The following items and substances are considered banned goods; merchant vessels engaged in the carriage of these materials or with such materials visible on their decks, may be attacked without warning.

1. Weapons of any kind
2. Weapon parts or components
3. Weapon accessories
4. Ammunition
5. Ammunition components
6. Bombs or their components or accessories
7. Torpedoes or their components or accessories
8. Mines or their components or accessories
9. Projectiles intended for shooting or throwing by hand or by a mechanized source
10. Explosives in any form
11. Explosive detonators or any device manufactured as a component or accessory of detonators
12. Warships of any kind regardless of size or tonnage
13. Components meant for use in construction of war machines of any kind
14. Aircraft, aircraft components, accessories, parts or engines
15. Tanks, armored cars, militarized vehicles of any kind including their parts or accessories
16. Armor plating
17. Chemical weapons or components meant for the dispersal of such
18. Military clothing, uniforms, shoes, boots, hats etc
19. Military news manuscripts; or any signaling equipment used for military purposes
20. Chemicals or ingredients meant for use in the printing of military publications
21. Pack animals or riding animals, their equipment and appurtenances if for military purposes
22. Fuel oil, crude oil, lubricating oil, aviation gasoline
23. Gold, silver, cash and coins or any instrument used for settling debt of or to an enemy
24. Food, medicines or rations intended for use by the enemy
25. Any equipment, tools, or materials used to manufacture or otherwise produce or reproduce any the above articles

The attack can be made whether or not the intended destination of the vessel is in a neutral territory under the condition that these materials may be shipped by any other means from the neutral port by road, rail, air or any other method of transit to an ultimate final destination within enemy territory or currently held by the enemy.

Attack may be made without warning against a neutral vessel which was not previously carrying these materials but is subsequently engaged in the transfer of these materials onto its decks or into its holds from an enemy vessel.
is the neutral merchant armed? carrying trucks? tanks? etc? let her have it
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