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Old 01-29-21, 06:08 PM   #2661
Mad Mardigan
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SHO Re: single hit icons on nav map..

Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
maybe i didn't explain the situation properly.

on the Nav Map, Task Forces, Large Convoys, Small Convoys, and Single Ships appear periodically. Some are quite a distance off and not within sensor range. The Single ship icons are actually labeled as Single Ships when you click on them in the Nav Map. however, when they get within sensor range, they spawn into a "group" of ships between 2 and maybe 4 or 5 ships of various types.

if you tell me that it is a native-SH4-thing, i believe you, but i have never seen that behaviour previously.

Afer reading what was said to now, this is just a thought that I'm spit ballin' out for consideration here...

Know that with the nav map, the icons popping up saying task force here (insert whatever size for it here) or Convoy there.. or here... (see task force) or... single contact here or there... moving at whatever speed is designated for it... as I recall, you'd have ships, planes & such out there & would send in 'contact reports'... & on the nav map, the icons popping up is basically Command, sending off that info as it came in...

Follow My train of thought here, so far...

Now, when you take that into account, & then consider... that sometimes those contact reports sent in... weren't entirely... accurate... could be that the 1 sending it in, could have just caught sight of 1 ship, so.. on the nav map, the report sent off by command, would include that... error, for lack of a better word here... it isn't until you get in contact, with that reported single ship yourself, that the error becomes obvious... what you thought was a solo bogey, turns out to be a couple of ships... or a medium or larger convoy.. heck, even a task force instead... sized accordingly...

Could be that somewhere in all the bits & files of the base SH4, that this is modelled into SH4... perhaps... is the only thing that can think of...

In short, its the only thing that makes sense... I could be wrong, I do admit... but, it is something to consider...

M. M.

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