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Old 01-29-21, 12:44 PM   #2657
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Originally Posted by Aramike View Post
... should I wait for the next fix or is there something I can edit now?...
The edits are rather involved, but we are in the final stages of assembly, so hopefully no more than 2 weeks. However, I have found more issues while searching for others... lol

Originally Posted by Mios 4Me View Post
Possibly more of the same, but just in case...

... One DE remained active; the other, a Wakatake, became stationary in conjunction with the merchants... sinking of the ship it was slaved to, awakened the Wakatake. It could have been listening and drifting all that time, but it was well ahead of the convoy the entire period, not an ideal position following repeated beam attacks from starboard.
One thing we keep finding in some of the older groups in that if a DD or DE were not set to "Escort=true", they do not hunt at all, and will stay with a convoy, like a merchant ship does. Very odd behavior. We're still looking for those, and I think I have a script that will find the last of those... maybe.

Originally Posted by WH4K View Post
Got upgraded to a Balao mid-1943.

Problem is, I'm apparently stuck with Mare Island as a home port. I just got back from my initial patrol with the new Balao, and am told "transfer not possible." That's a dealbreaker. I'm not going to waste months in-game, transiting the entire Pacific on every patrol. Guess I'll have to load an earlier save and refuse the upgrade.

Date is 23 March 1943 FWIW.

Usual disclaimers apply: FotRS:UE 1.39 is my only mod, using LAA, started from a pristine SH4 1.5 install, etc. Until this point, I've had few to no issues.
March 23 is before the May 14th 1943 "active" period of the Balao. As such, even though you transferred to Mare, there are no missions there, hence the "fall-through fail-safe" of the game, where you most likely were assigned an East China Sea mission behind the Ryukyu chain. We have tried all sorts of possible solutions to prevent this, but it is almost to the point of just dropping the Balao and Tench from the game. I still do not understand why the game ignores restricting dates from the modder / user, but chooses to "bomb" itself in other areas because of dates... You will not be able to transfer a Balao anywhere, until August of 1943, to Brisbane, September of 43 to Pearl. Mare island for the Balao is a Sea Trials location, and does function properly, so long as the start there is after May 14, 1943. Treasure Island function correctly with one Sea Trial for diving tests. In both locations, you should "automatically" transfer. However, a player is reminded to do a Save when coming back into port, so that you can return to that Save if need be, and manually do a transfer, if you are coming in too early. In the case of the Balao, if you are offered a new sub, and you are in a Gato at the time, and it is before May 14, 1943, do NOT accept the Balao. If you are in a Gar or earlier boat, be sure you have Saved prior to coming into the terminal and docking, so that you can go back to that Save if need be, in case you are assigned a Balao too early. You have to refuse a Balao if it is before May 14, 1943...

Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
your plan of action is probably best.
not long ago it was discovered that the Mare Island/Hunters Point piece of FOTRSU was not functioning as desired.
the FOTRSU team is working feverishly to fix it and execute a new release.
i thought i saw a post recommending that Kaleuns avoid transferring to Mare Island/Hunters Point.
that is what i would recommend....until there is an announced fix.
Mare works fine. Treasure Island works fine, and Hunters Point works fine. You cannot come in too early to any of those 3 though. The issue with Hunter's Point is at Tulagi, where a player is assigned to Mare Island instead of Hunter's Point, and those boats at Tulagi are NOT available at Mare. That is what should be avoided - Tulagi. As you say, that is fixed for the next release. Going through the testing and double-checks for that now.

Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo View Post
All is working fine in my installation...
... Many thanks for the great work. Hope you will publish a next update compatible with Vickers Officers Quarters.
We did send Vickers a copy of the UPC files for the subs, so when he finishes with his next release, it should be compatible with the next FotRSU (and this version). The main trouble with the interiors mod is that it uses the sub upc file, which is newly updated in v1.39 for the 20mm Deck Gun and the combinations of guns. That should function fine in Vickers next iteration.

Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
i held off on asking this question until i had additional experiences.
consistently, i have experienced a single enemy ship icon in the Nav Map and positioned the boat so as to intercept it.
at the time of interception, the single ship actually spawned into either two or four enemy ships.
this behaviour is unique to FOTRSU because i have NOT experienced this in Stock, RFB, TMO, GFO, DW.
i can not see how FOTRSU could affect this type of display//spawn so what is different in this mod set that would cause this to happen?

Zoom level is the determining factor. Stock and all the other mods have the same thing. You might initially get a single hit on radar, that will display as a "box" on the NavMap, even when zoomed-in, but once the 'pips' are discernable as separate objects, they will spit into their "parts" if you are at the correct zoom level. CapnScurvy did adjust the radar, so it is possibly more inclinced to do that in FotRSU, but the visual and sonar do not. Most of the time, the NavMap will display the "center" of a Task Force, when you are zoomed out. Then, if like me the other day, I zoomed way in, and was too close to notice that the grouping had split into its related parts, and after a few minutes of tracking, there was a DD coming down my radar beam, right at 3800 yards away in the rain and fog when I got the "Ship spotted" alarm... "Crash Dive - Crash Dive!!!". Zooming back, sure enough, there it was. I did get down in time, but man, that was close...

"...and bollocks to the naysayers" - Jimbuna
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