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Old 01-15-21, 09:35 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Nikdunaev View Post
Sorry for the late reply

Simple millimeter paper and no proper rangefinding device? Sounds like a big "ouch" to me.

U-Jagd is not a purpose made tool? Oh...
I honestly thought it was designed for this specific purpose. Those scales look very much like reasonable ship lengths and speeds...

What is the use for depth charging purposes? What do the scales represent in that case?

I am no expert in German, but the name, does it not stand for "unterwasser jagd" or "unterseeboot jagd"? Submarine hunting. Does it actually say if the hunting in question is for or by the submarine itself? I am curious.

By this point I am afraid to ask further. Does the Silent Hunter community actually use any historical tool correctly?

Was it any different from the US optics?
Cause for the latter, as far as I know, multiply or divide by four was the "officially endorsed" method in real life. Both for the stadimeter and the telemeter scales.

The optical zoom, does it not change the angular field of view by that factor? 4 times in our specific case?
Correct, U-Jagd was the term used for hunting of subs, not by. We have the service manual for German ASW as part of the Crush Depth project (in my sig). The word “Annäherung” means “closure” - it’s for timing closure rate most likely, probably to assist in depth charge pursuits. The concept is the same though, distance in m converted to knots.

To your question about there being anything realistic used by the community, yes, these concepts are all historical, it’s just sometimes the devices that are used to get there are a little different than what they actually used. The recognition manual is overused though, that didn’t have that kind of data that these games have, so that’s probably the biggest diversion. And using the manual assumes that the very good vision we have out of the periscopes in game was how it was, and it certainly was not. Viewing a target with the head of a periscope just at the waterline, with fogging, and waves etc. was apparently very difficult. Hence the emphasis on gathering data on the surface while overtaking.

Multiplied by four is correct for 6x, however, there was something with the optics that made that not so straightforward. To the extent that the commander’s handbook recommends rangefinding only at low power.

I can answer the second part of your question to Pisces, only because I know the answer at the ready about the multiple oculars. So the one on the left, with the wire going out of it, inside of that one there was apparently a depiction of the torpedo triangle in colors. This allowed the user to visualize the lead angle. It was linked, at least by my understanding, to the AOB finder, since AOB is an angle in the torpedo triangle (gamma). The only other critical pieces of information are target and torpedo speed, and I’m not clear on how those were entered exactly. The ocular on the top inside of the RAOBF I believe was how the prisms were viewed for the stadimeter.

These sound like great features, and they are very innovative, but with the TDC it’s easy to see how they are somewhat superfluous.
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