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Old 01-09-21, 11:18 AM   #12576
Rear Admiral
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Throughout the U.S. truth and facts have lost their authority. It is pathetic to watch the hypocrisy spewing out of peoples mouths. Democracy is weak and dysfunctional when confronted with powerful lobbies capable of controlling explanations. The control is so blasted complete the vast majority of you live in The Matrix.

Tim Kaine calls on his supporters to “fight in the streets” against Trump and his supporters.

A reimagining of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” performed in New York’s Central Park features Trump’s gruesome assassination.

Former CNN host Kathy Griffin posts a grotesque photo of herself holding a fake severed head that resembles Trump.

Obama-appointed Attorney General Loretta Lynch calls for others to march, bleed and die in the streets as they “resist” Trump.

Comedienne Sarah Silverman calls for a military coup against our duly-elected president.

Madonna publicly fantasizes about blowing up the White House at the Women’s March in Washington, DC

New Snoop Dogg music video features the rapper executing a clown-faced Trump.

Rapper Bow Wow threatens to “pimp” First Lady Melania Trump if the president ever again calls out Snoop Dogg.

Woman at anti-Trump rally openly calls for violent revolution. CNN reporter is sympathetic.

Preschool teacher tells BLM rally that it’s time to start murdering white conservatives.

“Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams.” — Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)

California Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters called on her supporters to harass cabinet officials. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that you “cannot be civil” with members of the Republican Party.

Attorney General Eric Holder telling a Democratic audience at a campaign rally in Georgia on Sunday that they should “kick” Republicans when they perceive them as “going low.”
  • Ashley Kavanaugh, Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s wife and his daughters received multiple credible threats.
  • Dana Loesch, NRA spokeswoman, received death threats against her children on Twitter.
  • Rep. Diane Black, R-Tenn., received such a threatening phone call that the man has now been indicted.
  • Jamie Gardner, wife of Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., wife, received a text of a beheading after the vote to confirm Justice Kavanaugh.
  • Several Republican Senators had their personal information, including home addresses, posted to Wikipedia for threatening purposes by a Democrat House staffer.
  • Congressman Clay Higgins (R-La.) received threatening phone calls that led to a man’s arrest.
  • Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kent., and his wife Kelly Paul have both received credible threats that have led to arrests.
  • Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and his wife, as well as White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, were chased out of restaurants.
  • Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was confronted by protesters and harassed out of a DC restaurant.
  • Rudy Peters, a Republican California Congressional candidate, was nearly stabbed while campaigning.
  • My office has continued to receive threats against my life that have led to arrests.
  • A female pro-life activist was violently assaulted by a man that has now been found guilty of eight counts of assault for this and similar incidents.
A California resident attacked California GOP congressional candidate Rudy Peters with a switchblade. Witnesses said the assailant was spewing profanity-laced remarks about Trump and the Republican Party.

A Republican Party office in Laramie, Wyoming caught fire — in what officials suspect was arson — just days after it opened.

"I am coming with a gun and i expect to get numerous bloodstained MAGA hats as trophies," the unnamed Twitter account holder tweeted.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough used the 17th anniversary of 9/11 to declare President Trump a bigger threat to America than terrorists who killed 2,977 on that day — to say nothing of the hundreds who died later from 9/11-related cancers.

Rep. Steve Scalise, who was very nearly assassinated last year by a crazed Bernie Sanders supporter, told Fox News on Wednesday that "Leadership on the Democrats' side needs to stand up and say this is wrong, no matter what your differences with the president or anybody else."

He added that "The mainstream media needs to be in the same place, calling this out too, and calling on leaders on the Republican and Democrat side to denounce it."
Guardian of the honey and nuts

Let's assume I'm right, it'll save time.

Last edited by Rockstar; 01-09-21 at 11:39 AM.
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