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Old 01-08-21, 02:10 PM   #2
Grey Wolf
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Originally Posted by Nikdunaev View Post
Hi Everyone!

I noticed that in Silent Hunter the telemeters on German periscopes seem to be marked in degrees just like the American ones.
At least, the scale seems to match the Stadimeter reading in degrees, and a manual calculation, assuming the ticks are degrees, gives good range.

At the same time, some other sims, like, say, Wolfpack, seem to have those scales in centiradians. That means, on low magnification, number 10 corresponds to 5.7 degrees.
This actually makes a lot of sense for metric units, as then the calculation of range in hectometers becomes super easy indeed.

Further, historical things, like RAOBF, seem to function in centiradians.

So, my question is, which scale is historically accurate?
Are there any mods producing the correct scale in Silent Hunter?

Also, what are the correct magnification powers for the periscopes?
I thought they should both be 1.5X and 6X. Yet in Silent Hunter the observation scope shows 1 and 4. Is this actually the case? Or is it just a typo on the indicator?

Real ones were in milliradians on the vertical, degrees on the horizontal. Both attack scope (at least the C/2 Stand-Sehrohr, the one you sit at and operate with pedals in the tower) and the control room “observation” scope were 1.5x and 6x. The sight picture through the attack scope can be seen here, drawing 17:

Hitman’s optics are imo the best representation of historical scopes.

Additionally, that scope model (C/2) did not have a stadimeter or RAOBF, 2 features present in earlier attack scope models but which were dropped in favor of better optical quality. Mostly data was gathered on the surface (by matching or rough plotting), and range was largely irrelevant due to the fact they shot at low gyro angles.
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