Thread: [REL] Re: GWR 2020
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Old 12-27-20, 08:19 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by Anvar1061 View Post
Now you have the opportunity to make a more complete report.
Not sure what you mean.

It is running, started a new 7th Flotilla career via SH3 Commander, November 1942 to see how the Wolf Pack functioning goes.

Figured out how to get the crew off of the casing: first use the "Crew on Deck" command in the Watch Officer Menu and only after doing that try CTRL+D, otherwise the troops on the casing just flicker a few times.

The interface will take some getting used to but I saw nothing to object to.

Tried to refit the boat with the two-platform Turm to double the AAA available but the sim crashed to desktop after the "not so long ago..." screen. This career became unloadable so had to delete and start over.

Second career attempt using the same parameters; did not change the Turm and it loaded fine. Some traffic but the enclosed St Nazaire port shown on the map screen does not appear and was able to sail straight out of the bunker and through the harbour graphics on the map. There did not seem to be any reason for the 8-16 FPS in the immediate vicinity of the port but frame rates soon improved to 30+ when on the bridge.

Once into the Bay of Biscay tried to move an officer without the Watchkeeping ability to the bridge using the Crew Screen and the sim crashed to desktop. No idea if the lack of ability was the cause or something else entirely. However, with loading times typically in excess of 15-minutes (3-5 to load the menu and 12+ to load the sim), I am not too inclined to do much troubleshooting. Had neglected to save up to that point so the career is scuppered.

Is what I have seen so far impressive with regards to visual appeal? I would say so but I am not yet certain that I am on board with some of the included features and to be honest, the long loading times are a bit of a killer.

For what it's worth I have no less than seven SH3 super-mod installations in no particular order:

Onealex GWX
GWX Reloaded

Each has its charms and issues but one thing that they all have in common is the tremendous dedication and talent demonstrated by the respective development teams. As a content consumer rather than a content creator it is important for us to recognize the debt that we users owe all Modders.

Does this count as a more complete report?

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