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Old 11-21-20, 06:13 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Rockstar View Post
Damn we're good another textbook launch thats two within a week. To the moon baby!

There's been at least 3 this week, and a few more scheduled within the next week.

It seems only SpaceX and NASA get any headlines, but there's quite a few private companies who have thriving commercial satellite programs going.

Originally Posted by mapuc View Post
I predict following.

Within the next 30-40 years NASA, ESA, and other state supported space agency will become one organisation.

I don't know how it will be organized.


Just the opposite. Commercial systems will overtake the federal ones, as it is currently happening in the US, and the Space agencies will be no more than regulatory agencies. Science missions will be funded, with governmental help as usual, by Universities, launched on heavy lift commercial rockets. This could happen tomorrow if they wanted, the Falcon Heavy did launch a car to an apogee around mars orbit.
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