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Old 11-14-20, 11:26 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by jorgegonzalito View Post
My assumption was correct, the radar does not detect the planes.
The SD radar absolutely does detect planes. (The smaller the plane, the closer it will get before it is detected.) The SJ radar detects and displays surface contacts.

"The radar" is made up of two different systems that serve two different purposes. Knowing which ones you have, and how they behave, is key to using them effectively. The screens you have in the boat are tied to the SJ surface search system. They do not display aircraft at all. The SD radar will alert you to aircraft, and will display them on the map, if you have Map Contacts on.

Planes are death to submarines. The only reason to fight them is if you can not submerge. Plane detected? Crash dive, turn towards the plane. Anything else is asking for a very early end to your career.

Originally Posted by jorgegonzalito View Post
I must at least match my speed with that of the convoy in order to catch up, and get within firing range.
Stay outside of the escorts' detection range, but on the surface. Set a parallel course to the convoy, at a higher speed. Once you are well in front of them, turn to intercept their course well before they arrive, and only then should you submerge. Knowing their course and speed, you can set up your attack in advance of when they show up, dodge the escorts, get in close, and fire your torpedoes. This is a classic "End Around" attack. The only submerged maneuvering is at very slow speed when you are actually attacking. This saves your battery for afterwards, when you need to dodge depth charges and slowly creep away from the escorts.
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