Thread: My War Story
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Old 11-10-20, 08:52 PM   #2
les green01
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Well 30 minutes after sunset we surface what a relieve to pop the hatch and let the foul odors to exit at least some anyway and to have fresh air to enter and cookie started to prepare dinner,What beans and rice again tonight come on cookie your the best in the Navy but this going get old quick but i guess least we have food to eat and hot coffee,we got to hear on the radio President Roosevelt ask congress to declared war on Japanwhat a speech Japan going find out we are not going be easy meat for the table.Making our way to the patrol area at a mind blowing four knotts at 2/3 speed maybe i should order standard speed although we will use more fuel,decided to go ahead order standard speed making us do six knotts we are flying now.Not a cloud in the sky look like going to be another hot day has we take it down to 100 feet for the day time for a cup of coffee and a lucky strike,1337 sonar contact order periscope dept 143 degree spotted two merchants going to try to id flags targets id as 2 t3 tankers id as friendly what a let down that are first ships spotted was friendly maybe we will get lucky sooner or far we have had no problems with the 27 hope are luck will hold out in that area,Got a radio message that Germany and Italy declared war on us and that the Marines held on to wake good job boys give them hell.had a problem with our sonar sensor just a minor one that was easy fix so still in the war but still spent 2 hours fixing it,three days since leaving Cavite keep doing the same thing running surface at night underwater during day but today went to a 150 feet to see if we had any leaks so far good on that part.surface tonight winds 8mps but clear sky with no fog still on course to patrol area not having enough officers to cover deck watch third shift i have decided to cover it myself it nice to be up there with the fresh air,well the night over and a new dawn already getting so hot making sleep almost impossible getting a cup of coffee getting ready to light up a lucky strike i notice a deck of cards and notice some of duty men i invited them to play a little game of poker where instead of money we bet cigarettes some of the men are good poker players winning several hands play for a couple of hours before we decided to get some shuteye seem like the men enjoy it so might make it a habit of doing the poker games.(sorry guys had to lay off on this because my eyes started bothering me)Been at sea for 5 days still have about 450 miles to go before we get to the patrol area 30 minutes after sunset order the boat to periscope dept to check area before surfacing only to find out we have a serious problem with the Observation scope and it keeps fogging up so bad not usable as right now hope we can get it fix well after 4 hours finaly got Observation scope and back to being able to use it.tonight the 14th of december weather clear but heavy seas S-27 and crew are being toss all over the place we are now in Sulu Sea heading for Moro Gulf,well a little bit past midnight engine number one has decided to act up Engine is running hot,but seems to be within specs so we are keeping a close eye on it although since the engine running hot to reduce speed and see what happens.We have a hour before sunrise running speed has done the trick the question going though my mind is do we risk staying on the surface to make up some of the distance we have lost with the rough seas the crew wouldn't get much rest or take her down to calm and the crew can get better rest not a easy decision but the needs of the crew must come first.
I'll tell you what bravery really is. Bravery is just determination to do a job that you know has to be done.
Audie Murphy

Last edited by les green01; 11-18-20 at 08:36 PM.
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