Thread: My War Story
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Old 11-09-20, 07:51 PM   #1
les green01
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Default My War Story

1ead is dead
2:Sh MechSys(dice roll or coin flip)
3:No turning down new commands
4:Realistic Command after promotion to Captain(after 1# patrol rest is decided with dice)
5:100% Difficult(No TDC on S Boat)

Captain's Personal Log Leslie Green
Command: S-27(SS-132)
What can i say being a 3/4 Cherokee from Watts Oklahoma
wasn't too many options to escape from there and with my
high energy level and always being interested in the navy i
decided to applied for the Naval Academy and was accepted.
During the academy while having a hard time with the studies
i decided to join the boxing team and being 6'2 180 pounds i
was a decent boxer winning more than i lost.After hats in the
air i had orders to report for duty on Battleship Oklahoma
which i serve on her for four years,then deciding that promotions
might come my way better i put in for submarine school and was
accepted and then after reported to the Narwhal moving up the ladder
until i got promoted to Lt Commander to report to Cavite Philippines
to take command of S-27 arriving in June 41.Arriving in the Philippines
i fell in love with the Philippines their pace in life,the most beautiful
sunrise and sunsets you ever seen the rainstorms that can pop up
from nowhere and end just has quick even after i walk down the dock
for the change of command my mouth must have hit the dock when i seen how rusted she is but the man i'm taking command from assure me she a good sub and her crew is top notch and good at making any repairs has needed i sure hope so cause the winds of war is starting to blow hard and heavy.Not only is S-27 a rust bucket but also a roach invested heat box and is so bad with rust that her diving dept is limit to 150 feet and is no race horse her speed reduce to 1/2 to maybe 3/4 speed than when she was new.Well we are at war with Japan we gather around the radio and listen to the reports way it sounded we got caught with our pants around our ankles at Pearl with heavy damage and lost of lives but they sure hammer us here in the Philippines with airstrikes don't know how they manage to catch us here with our pants down with the time differnce between Pearl and here but they sure did.Receiving orders from my commanding officer to patrol of Mindanao for 5 days we work though the night and most of the day dodging airstrikes,finaly supplied with fuel,torpedoes and food we are leaving port to carried out our orders hope we don't have no problems. While talking to xo Frank Brunton decided to work in shivves or even nude and do most of our work at night to advoid the heat as much as posible and the men are holding a contest to see which department can get the most roach kills so far one department has nail 50,000 roaches must be coming out of the cork.So far at night been pretty bright and our wake and bow spray been showing too good have to watch that and be careful when and if we make contact smoking lamp is out topside for sure also going have to tell cookie to stop fixing beans cause Michael Bissell been slamming the control room with his farts like the stink not bad enough all ready without him adding to it maybe the crew can find a cork big enough to shove in his backside.Next day with 30 minutes left before dawn we took her down to 100 feet to try to get some rest but that going be hard with the heat and noise i figure i'll end up drinking a cup of coffee and smoking a lucky strike before trying to get some sleep.
I'll tell you what bravery really is. Bravery is just determination to do a job that you know has to be done.
Audie Murphy

Last edited by les green01; 11-09-20 at 09:47 PM.
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