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Old 11-05-20, 05:33 PM   #12
Gray Lensman
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Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
i am pre-disposed to believe the same thing.
i have read dozens if not hundreds of books on the the PTO and not one mentions electronic sensors on merchies.
so, in the end, i suspect what i heard from a friend is true:it is an attempt to make SH4 more challenging with these mods.

and that's ok.
it's a game...although it is predisposed to act in one way, but that's ok.
despite being depth-charged and shelled, i am still here.

i'm playing DW at the moment. and the escorts are murder if they detect you. i wonder if the Nicolas-mod would work with DW.
i am hesitant to use a TSR like that because SH4 gets real funky when you shell out to another app.
I've not had any problem using Nicolas' launcher while running TMO. FotRSU is a different story, but I'm pretty much convinced now after 3 1/2 days of NON-corrupted game play with TMO, that all the problems I was having with FotRSU was internal to that mod itself regardless of any other opinions. I've been playing SH4 8 to 12 hours a day since I'm retired.... More if I wasn't distracted with outside yard work!

Important thing about Nicolas' mod is to be sure to enable it with Ctrl-Alt-t when you get to the SH4 main menu and BEFORE you load any saves. It'll give you a little "windows chime" sound to let you know you're good WITHOUT shelling out to look at the small launcher screen. Win10 Windows Defender will probably give you some issues since it's an unofficial executable and Windows is just trying to protect the system. It even "quarantined" the darn thing on me once and I had to jump some hoops to restore it. LOL, Snakes! Why'd it have to be snakes?

In the case of his launcher, you are not really shelling out to it during the game. It's already in place before launching SH4 and every time I save, I exit the game AND exit the launcher. During FotRSU I did get one "out of memory" error, but I think it was associated with the LAA being invoked a half dozen times and it could be it was building up some memory leakage.

edit> UPDATE: Nicolas Mod (the AI-FIX-3) for the last week was just giving the normal "false" alerts, but today Windows Defender started being specific about it containing a specific possible Trojan so I'm no longer recommending its usage. I'm not seeing any real signs of Malware activity but better safe than sorry.

Member since February 2007

Wargaming since 1971 (1st game Avalon Hill's Stalingrad)

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Last edited by Gray Lensman; 11-06-20 at 08:15 AM.
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